The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Uchiha Naruto by liobi

[Reviews - 11]   Printer Chapter or Story
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Chapter notes: i just don't own naruto, P.S. the upload was screwy, but i guess it uploaded at least.








Kyuubi Speech


Kyuubi Thoughts


Inner Person


[Insert During Strong Language]


------------ Scene Change/Time Passing



________ Start/End of Chapter



Start/End of Flashback


Author’s notes. Okiday, been a while but I finally got back to the keyboard. ^_^*yay*. But I’m on a caffeine burn-out now because of so much yard work T-T but I can get back to writing now so, ON TO THE STORY!!! Roommate: you hurt my ears >: (

Me: sorry *_* … crabby bastard *: P* Roommate: WHAT!!!!???

Caffeine…..Chocolate… and Mountain Dew too! ^_^ But why of all things am I in an insomnia zoo?




“Ukiyo!” a young boy’s voice rang out from the crowd “give me it back!” Itachi sighed, he knew of only one person who could make that kind of noise. Crap, he thought, groaning, I leave them alone for three minutes and this is what happens.



Just then, a little girl with black hair burst through the crowd as a blond boy came bursting after her shouting many different curses that little boys should not know, much less say.  “Ukiyo you-[I have cut out the rest of this comment for the sake of your sanity and the rating of this story,^_^]!! Give me it back!!”



“Nope! You can just go back to your ‘friend’ you little faggot!” she screamed back at him while running nimbly between a hugging couple. Naruto, possessing none of his sister’s natural grace, knocked the couple apart while sending the man sprawling in the process.



“It’s not gay for me to hug Shino if I haven’t seen him in a couple of months!” (1) he shouted back in defense while jumping over a blond, flower-carrying girl and narrowly missed kicking the flower pots out of her arms. “And your just mad because you got mauled by a wolf while we were there and Kiba laughed at you!” (2)



It was known far and wide that the Uchiha heiress had a soft spot for the wild Inuzuka boy and his animalistic traits, unfortunately for Naruto, this comment drove her over the edge and she decided to chuck a fairly good sized rock at the blond prankster.



True to her reputation, the rock struck true on the boy’s forehead and managed to knock him down which was an accomplishment in itself because of the adopted Uchiha’s natural sense of balance and resistance to pain. Another accomplishment was that in his fall he managed to knock over the blond girl that he had avoided earlier.



“Naruto!” the girl screamed, “you little dick-head! You did that on purpose!” Naruto got up and rubbed his head as he looked back to see who he knocked over and was met with a glare dripping with killing intent.




“Gomen, Ino-chan, but it was an accident.” Naruto said weakly as the girl cracked her knuckles and glared at him. “I hate to interrupt an opportunity to see him beat up, but he’s right.” Ukiyo intervened, “I threw a rock at him and made him fall, sorry Ino-chan. She apologized.



Shocked that Naruto hadn’t done this intentionally Ino stopped advancing on him and fumbled for the words to apologize for her reaction. Instead Naruto just told her it was okay and she left.



As the siblings looked back in astonishment that they had not caused more chaos Itachi walked up behind them and tapped their shoulders. They flinched as they new who it was because of the countless times this happened to them before. They slowly turned around to face the punishment that awaited them.



Itachi sighed as he began to speak, “what are you two fighting over this time?” he asked thinking he would regret it.



“Well,” Naruto began, “we’ve been going into the ruins around town, you know, the places that are still wrecked from the earthquake that hit last month and the places that are abandoned from a long time ago.” he finished as Ukiyo picked up there, “And we find different things and hide it for later like old kunai or other things like cool rocks and stuff.”



Ukiyo held out her hand so Itachi could see what was in it. He looked down to see a small black stone with a blue dragon imprinted onto it with strange symbols surrounding the great beast. It almost looked like the dragon was alive, trapped within the stone and was trying to get out of it. It was as if the dragon was staring into Itachi’s very soul.



Eager to look away from this startling sight he turned his eyes back to his siblings. “That may be, but do you know that you are actually stealing?” he asked the young children, “And besides that, you two promised me that you wouldn’t fight while I was gone and both of you were exploring.” he paused before continuing, “I said that I would bring you with me when I was going to the market, but you two keep fighting.”



The children lowered their heads as their brother reprimanded them but after he was done Ukiyo looked up at Itachi and began to tell him something. “But we weren’t stealing, we ask the old owner of the house if we can keep the things we find there. Sometimes they say no, or ask us to try and find something while we look but most of the time they say yes.” she paused and took a breath, “and for the abandoned places we asked the old man if it was alright and he said yes.” she looked back at her brother as she finished, as if expecting him to find something wrong with her story but he didn’t and began to speak again.



“Well then, if no one objects to you two doing that, I have no problem with it either. But stop calling Hokage-sama old man, it’s not polite.” he looked up as to see how much more sunlight there was left, “I have to go and get one last thing but you both have to promise me you won’t get into any trouble when I’m gone, okay?” they nodded as he began to walk away toward the crowded market place.



Naruto looked at the young girl as her eyes darted from one place to the next almost to fast to fully see. She was about three feet tall with black mid-length hair that came right below her shoulders and grew in straggly spikes(3). Her face had a soft look to it, but Naruto knew that it could turn hard and fearsome in an instant she wanted it to.



Her eyes sparkled with mischief and an energy not normally present in the eyes of and Uchiha. She wore black T-shirt with the Uchiha emblem, a red and white fan, on the back. Covering her legs was a mix between a skirt and cargo shorts, and she wasn’t wearing any shoes, so her feet were accustomed to hardship. He looked down at her legs and arms and saw them tense and relax very quickly, to quickly for most people to catch.



Her body had a way of doing that, twitching at odd times, and making it hard for her to hide it so skillfully. He had caught her once when she had had a complete nervous break down. As she lay on the forest floor twitching and shaking, she had to muster out the words, she was shaking so badly, “If you try to tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you before the breath leaves your lungs.” she said as menacingly as lying helpless on the ground permitted her to be. He shook away the memory as he concentrated on the present.



Ukiyo’s eyes had come into focus again and she was now looking at Naruto. “Hey, onee-chan.” he said as she looked at him in response, “want to look around town and try to find new wrecked places?” he asked. “Sure,” she said as they began to walk down the crowded streets, “maybe we’ll find another rock like this one.” she said as she tossed it to him. “Are you sure you don’t want this?” Naruto asked. Ukiyo smiled as she responded, “Yeah, I’m not much of a dragon person anyways.” Naruto smiled in thanks as they were walking in the mob of people.



As they were walking down the street, Naruto looked down at his own clothes. He was also wearing a black T-shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back, but his had a crimson spiral(4) on the front. Unlike other young Uchihas, Naruto’s shirt didn’t have a high collar like the others did, but instead had a ripped one because he said the collar made it hard to breath so he tore it off. He wore shorts as well but with less pockets than his sister’s had, but never the less, it still had a lot of pockets.



Before long, after wandering for a while, they came to a crowded street with a parade running along it. There were many people carrying banners and other were holding onto flowers and throwing them off of the floats that passed by. There was many people in that parade but the most noticeable ones were the people with hair as white as snow and, as fate would have it, there were quite a few of them. Men, women, and children, walking and riding, almost all of them had white hair. But the most noticeable of them all was the two children, a boy and girl, who were riding on the most elaborate float behind a man and two women.



“Hey, Ukiyo.” Naruto asked with his voice slightly lowered, “Why do they have weird clothes on?” he finished, as he pointed toward the children and adults on the large float. Ukiyo looked closer and saw that, indeed, they did have strange clothes.



“Naruto!” she scolded, not losing the big sister attitude, “That’s rude! How would you feel if people treated you different because they thought you were strange, or because of some stupid reason that wasn‘t your fault?” Naruto turned and looked at her with wonderment. “I don’t know, but I’ll tell you when I do.” he said seriously.



She sighed as he turned back to look at the parade. She was glad that he got to see this though. it’s not everyday you get to see a new clan move to Konoha, so he might as well enjoy the festivities. she thought with a smile. As the floats passed by she remembered what she had asked her father.






“Hey, Dou-san?” Ukiyo asked with a curious looked on her face, “why are people so busy lately?” he looked down at his daughter as she pouted at the thought of asking for help figuring something out, she was very self-sufficient for her age.



“Well,” he began after clearing his throat, “there are two reasons why a lot of people are very busy lately. One of them is that the Teikiatsu clan is going to be moving here from the outskirts of the Wind Country and will be living here for a very long time, so people want to make a good impression on them.” he stopped to let this sink in to his inquisitive daughter’s head, “The other reason is that the Lightning Country finally agreed to sign a treaty with us, so people are busy getting ready for that too.”



She pondered this as she began the journey to the place were she and Naruto hid all the thing they found. Hmm. I guess this place is going to be pretty exciting for a while. she thought smiling. This should be fun.



                                                                        End of Flashback



As Ukiyo’s mind returned to the present, she realized that she had lost track of Naruto. A flash of fear entered her mind as she remembered that her parents had told her never to lose track of him when they were in public, especially in large crowds. She quickly scanned the large number of people near her for signs of a blond haired boy. She caught sight of a golden head amongst the milling bodies. She began to run as fast as she could towards the place where he stood.



Naruto, unaware of the potential danger that he was in, pulled on a man’s sleeve and started to ask him a question. “Excuse me sir, but what’s going on?” he man gave a grin before answering. “Today is a great day! The Teikiatsu clan has finally arrived in Konoha and will be making this place their home!” the man’s grin disappeared as he looked down and saw who he was talking to, soon after, Ukiyo felt a surge of strong hatred coming from the man.



“Naruto! Get away from him!” she shouted franticly as the man began to fumble with something in his shirt, but Naruto was to absorbed in the festival to notice is sister cries or the knife that the man had taken out.



The knife had a long and wicked look to it as well as a purplish tint that gleamed in the sunlight. Ukiyo tried franticly to get to her brother through the crowd but her efforts were in vain. They were so close to the stage, If only someone would notice what’s going on! Ukiyo silently cried out.



The man’s fist had begun to fall with clutched within it and the blade pointing toward her brother’s neck. “NO!” she screamed one last time before the dagger was about to plunge into him. Just then, a few senbon(5) flew through the air and punctured the man’s hand and wrist area right before a silver-haired teen landed on the man.



Even though the man was lying on the ground helpless, the senbon had caused him to drop the knife which was still on it’s fatal course towards the young boy’s neck when a strong, controlled gust of wind knocked it away leaving only a small, not-to-deep cut on the right side of his neck.



Ukiyo recognized the teen but looked around the rest of the crowd, surrounding buildings and rooftops before she saw Itachi looking cautiously at the spot where Naruto was. That explains the senbon, but where did that wind come from? she thought with a frown. The only other thing that had moved was the young boy from the float, but he had only stretched his arm towards them. She pondered this before breaking through the stream of people that had taken notice of what had happened, well, all except Naruto.



He looked back to see if a bug had bitten him before he saw the teen. “Kakashi-san!” he exclaimed happily, “it’s good to see you!” Kakashi smiled at the energetic boy before saying something to him. “Naruto, where is Ukiyo?” he said as she walked up behind him. “I’m right here Kaki-chan.” she answered him, using his nickname that she made up, before asking, “Have you grown?” Kakashi looked over at her with an annoyed look on his masked face. “I’m not tree food, so stop calling me that. By the way, why are you two here by yourselves?”



Itachi walked toward the odd trio before answering, “I am afraid that is my fault senpai, I had to get some bread.” he finished before holding up the bag as if to prove that he was telling the truth, “I thought that they would be fine on their own.”



Naruto was confused. “Nii-san, what do you mean by that?” he asked before noticing the man Kakashi was standing on, “and is he okay? He looks hur-” he cut off as he fell to the ground. Why is it getting so dark? It’s only the afternoon. He thought in confusion as Ukiyo began to scream his name and he blacked out.







Naruto woke up in a dark chamber with water covering the floor and a cage on the far side of the room. He began to walk over to the cage before a pair of crimson eyes opened inside of it and giant teeth started to grin.



“Hmm, it took you long enough to get here brat. But I didn’t expect to see you in this place quite this soon. I thought it would take longer for someone to put your life in mortal peril. Oh well, you win some you lose some.” the voice finished speaking just as claws shot through the cage and almost impaled the 3-year-old.



“What the hell was that for!?” he screamed in confusion, still recovering from his quick jump backwards. “You could’ve killed me!” the creature behind the bars laughed as the claws retracted into the darkness.



“That was the whole point, it’s been so long since I’ve had some fun and it looks like the seal won’t let me kill you.” the creature sighed before talking again, “You can’t blame a demon for trying though.”



Naruto looked around at his surroundings and then turned back to the cage and asked, “So, where exactly am I?” pausing before speaking again, “Am I in hell?” he finished as a small dose of fear entered his voice.



“No, hell has more space,” the demon answered dryly, “and I think that it would be an improvement to be there right now then were I am now.” Naruto puzzled over this before looking up at the eyes for a revelation. The demon sighed again, “We’re inside you, or better yet, your soul. Just in case you haven’t figured that out yet.” the voice said, sounding annoyed before giving a laugh, “Mortals are so strange, epically the children. You are afraid at the thought of being in hell yet you are unafraid of me, the Kyuubi no Kitsune, greatest of all the biju.”



Naruto thought about the words before making the connection in his head. “Oi! What the heck do you think you’re doing here!?” he started screaming, “Do I have a sign hanging on my soul that says ‘demon rental space available’ or something!? And I thought you were supposed to be dead, so why are you in my body!? Get out! Get out! Get out!” he barely finished on his hastily inhaled breath.



The fox began to laugh uncontrollably in its confinement, “Mortals are strange creatures indeed.” the demon said as it began to stop laughing, “and believe me, if I could’ve, I would have escaped from this place long ago. That bastard, the Yondaime, made this thing pretty good though. But, no. He didn’t kill me, the best he could do was seal me into a newborn child. In other words, you.”



Naruto calmed himself down enough to speak again. “So why am I here then?” he asked cautiously, “Did something happen to me?” the fox pondered the question before answering.



“Yes, actually. Someone tried to kill you because they recognized you, the failed thanks to that bastard Kakashi and your brat of a brother Itachi. But the knife was poisoned and it nicked you. I am doing my best to keep the poison at bay, but I think it’d be the best if the humans take over soon to make sure you fully recover. I don’t want my vessel to be a weak one.” the demon paused before speaking again, “you’ll wake up soon, so relax and get out of here.”



Naruto nodded his head and then spoke. “Thank you, Kyuubi. It was nice to meet you.” he finished before getting dizzy and collapsing.







Naruto woke up in the arms of his sister before the medic team arrived. “Oi, Ukiyo.” he weakly said, “I don’t like it when people treat me differently for a stupid reason, especially one that’s not my fault.” Ukiyo heard him and was confused by the meaning of his words as he drifted off into the bliss of a Kyuubi-less sleep.







(1) The Inuzuka and Aburame clans had been gone for a couple of months to make sure that the wildlife wouldn’t be harmed when the Teikiatsu clan moved to Konoha.


(2) You know what energetic dogs do when they meet a new person. *wink, wink* ^_^


(3) Think of how Haku’s hair was when Zabuza first met him.


(4) The shirt he wore when he was about seven.


(5) Traditional acupuncture needles.




Haha! I’m finally done with this one! Sorry it took me so long. I got off my outline and did it impromptu but it turned out okay( I swear, the story is writing itself and I just sit here reading it ^_^, probably to little sleep loss, cause most of this stuff had nothing to do with the original one) but I’m happy about it. To my readers and critics, I will try to get the chapters out faster but be patient with me please, this is my first fic that is actually worth something so I’m doing my best for you guys(I’m still rewriting A Final Dream so it‘s good). Thank you to my reviewers who gave me the names of Sasuke’s parents and I hope I do not disappoint any of you guys. ^_^


Kyuubi: you made me sound nice, remind me to kill you later.


Me: remind me why I let you stay here you prissy [think girl dog, does that apply to foxes as well?] and btw, you are actually a girl in this fic so I can call you that. ^_^


Kyuubi: nooooooooo!!!! You’re gonna make me some mother-hen person


Me: if mother hens would eat their young in a heartbeat, then yes, you are a mother-hen.


Roommate: would you to please shut up! It’s 1:37


Me: so?


Roommate: A.M.


Kyuubi & Me: oohhh. Sorry.


Roommate: *angry muttering*


Me: well, see you guys soon (I hope)




Roommate: SHUT THE FRICK UP!! *throws giant knife at man*


Man: *dies*


Roommate: finally, some peace and quiet.


*Nuclear explosion goes off outside*




Whole entire world: yes.


Roommate: AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *drives off screaming*


Me: I guess I need a new roommate. ^_^






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