Summary: A reply to the all famous challenge!
Category: General Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: Isn't it strange...
Challenge: Isn't it strange...
Series: None
Chapter: 5 Completed: Yes
Words: 869 Read: 7644
Published: 12/01/07 Updated: 14/01/07
1. Chapter 1 by neko youkai [Reviews - 1] (134 words)
Disclaimer: These are the things I find strange in Naruto and not TONFA.
I do not own Naruto, but you probably knew that
2. Chapter 2 by neko youkai [Reviews - 0] (203 words)
Disclaimer: Continuation of chapter 1
3. Chapter 3 by neko youkai [Reviews - 1] (169 words)
Disclaimer: Um...
4. Chapter 4 by neko youkai [Reviews - 1] (288 words)
Disclaimer: I'm being treatened by a flamethrower so I'm ganna blame it on Sasuke.
5. Chapter 5 by neko youkai [Reviews - 2] (75 words)
Disclaimer: Name puns!