-Being the Orochimaru fangirl I am, I can tell you one thing: Run for your life ;o
2.Say Michael Jackson is Orochimaru's dad.
-You`ll get the crap beaten out of you xD
3.Say Orochimaru is secretly dating Kabuto.
-I dare you to say this.
4.Say that Orochimaru will die in the series.
-Damnit, we know this will most likely happen, but don`t ruin our dreams... -grabs machine gun-
5.Say Orochimaru left the Akatsuki because Sasori dumped him.
-Once again, run for your life.
6.Say that weasels are all in all cooler then snakes then rip a snake plushie apart.
- ...-foams at the mouth-
7.Say Orochimaru had a gender change and is really a girl in disguise.
-Fajfhs x.e Not true.
8.Say that Orochimaru really isn`t evil, it is just his part time job and that Orochimaru really wants to be a fashion designer but they keep rejecting him.
9. Tell them Orochimaru's tongue isn`t used just to turn into a snake.
-OKAY! That will make people such as myself go 8DDD
10.Say Orochimaru sleeps around and that those cursed seal marks are just a disguise for what they really are.
--points at machine gun-
11. Say Orochimaru is fat, afterall, who can fit a sword in their stomach?
-He is not fat.
12.Say he does things to Sasuke.
-._. No...just no.
Next up is Gaara! 8D For all the fangirls... n_n