The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11994
Series: 261
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Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
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Reviews: 40827
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Challenges: 255
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Life`s Lessons by Nikki_Yaoi

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Table of Contents

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Chapter notes: D: I`m not happy with this first chapter, I promise they`ll get better.

I know I have a few more unfinished stories, but I currently have lost inspiration for them and am hoping to get some more ideas and what not soon c:

I do NOT own Naruto
Introduction: Chapter 1

"SO hot!" cried a girl who looked like she was about 20, the boy standing next to her stared at her.
"Does that mean you want to go get an ice cream?" he asked, obviously understanding the girl quite well, because she automatically hugged him. "You shouldn`t have worn jeans in the summer..." he muttered, staring at her.
She was quite pale, her hair went down to about mid-back and had a pony tail to the side, her eyes seemed to be gold and she had a smirk on her face. She wore a orange top, that cut off to show a small portion of her mid drift and was sleeveless, however it was also a turtle neck and she had a black choker on top of that, her jeans were fairly low and had a green and orange belt that obviously wasn`t tight. She also had a strange brick red tattoo on her right arm that looked like an hourglass with a bar hovering over it.
She shrugged, "Your the idiot who said we`d be in some place cool, besides, this is my favorite outfit and I don`t want you to get jealous if other guys start looking at me!"
The boy was clearly getting aggitated with her behaviour, "I asked you out so I`d shut you up you damn bitch!" he barked angrily.
By now, she was rolling on the ground laughing, "Naruto, you look so cute when you pout and are all angry!"
Naruto muttered something under his breath, only to get glared at by the obviously hyper female. "Yes, yes, I know, we`ve been living together ever since we were eight, but that gives you know right to be an idiot."
"You`re the blonde, besides, what does my friend call you again, dobe?" she giggled, "Ya, that was it dobe!"
She was right about the blonde part, his hair was spiky and his eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue, not only that but he was tan and his black shirt and orange pants made him look quite handsome, the whisker marks on his cheeks, he was a mix of cute and handsome all rolled into one, his personallity was the only thing the girl though had a few flaws in it, but they were almost exactly the same so she had no room to talk.
As soon as she sat up, she felt two arms around her, and she blushed, "Naruto! Not in public! We can`t have Sasuke getting jealous!" she joked.
"Why would Sasuke get jealous if I had you, Nikki-chan?" Naruto purred.
"Because, we all know Sasuke wants you, and Uchiha`s always get what they want..." she giggled.
Naruto blushed, "Sasuke doesn``t like me like that!"
"Sasuke and me have been best friends ever since I was three, I know how he thinks and who he likes and he likes you!" Nikki stated
Just at that moment, a man who seemed to be just a bit older then them walked up and smirked, his hair was black, spiked in the back and his eyes, were so dark, beautiful, anyone could fall in love with him at first sight, his clothes were a bit loose, not showing off his body in any way, it only made his fangirls follow him even more. "What were you saying about me, Nikki?" he said, keeping that smirk.
"Just about how much you love us, Sasuke," Nikki laughed.
Naruto glared at the blonde quickly, before looking back to Nikki, "Love, eh? No, sorry," he said, smiling.
Nikki gasped, "The great Sasuke can smile! I`m amazed!" she screamed.
Naruto let go of her and she stood up, hugging Sasuke.
Naruto and him simply glared at eachother
Nikki frowned, ever since Naruto had entered Sasuke and Nikki`s life it had been like this, all three of them were never truely happy, Sasuke showed it through his bitterness, Naruto hid it with a smile, and until recently, Nikki had been anti-social, her love for people was still very little.
Somehow, Nikki and Naruto had gotten into a relationship and Sasuke hadn`t been to happy with it for two reasons, first of all, Nikki was like his sister, and second of all, Sasuke had always loved Naruto, Nikki had known this too, but, as much as she had wanted to, for Sasuke`s sake, she couldn`t say no to Naruto when he had asked her out, it seemed no matter how long they lived together, Nikki could never get over Naruto`s charm, not to mention the face, it even worked on the stoic Sasuke.
Nikki stared up at the sky, waiting for their glaring match to be over, soon, she snuck off, and before they realized it, she was gone from their sight.

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