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45 MOOOORE Ways to Annoy Sasuke by XenaAdamana

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Chapter notes: For those who like Sasuke - I'm not sorry.
I personally have a dislike for him. Only because he leaves eventually. Otherwise, I'm cool with him.
1. Pour every type of Loreal Kids shampoo into a bowl and spread it all over Sasuke when he's sleeping. Call him a Fruit Salad when you see him.
2. Lock him in a room of rabid fangirls.
3. Pierce his navel!
4. Pierce his nose!
5. Sprinkle salt on his head and say he has dandruff.
6. Tie a riceball to a piece of string and dangle it in front of him. When he goes to grab it, pull it away.
7. Sing "Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom," to him.
8. Ask him if he's a fairy. When he says no, call him a Fairy anyway.
9. Take him to the zoo and long him up in the baboon cage when it's mating season.
10. Whenever he talks to you, use a British accent. Say things like, "Oh pish-posh!" and "You don't say, old bean!"
11. Give him a super-ultra-mega-atomic wedgie!
12. Cosplay as Ash and run after Sasuke throwing pokeballs at him shouting, "Damnit Sasukemon! Get in the pokeball!"
13. Take a ping pong ball and paint it to look like the Uchiha fan, then randomly hit Sasuke on the head with it. Blame it on any ninja nearby.
14. Draw a picture of him while he's in the shower on his driveway. Invite everyone to see your wonderful work.
15. When Sasuke's life is in danger, hold out your finger and yell, "Reigun!" then laugh and say, "Oops! Wrong anime!"
16. Make him watch Sailor Moon. When it's over, ask him who he thinks is the prettiest.
17. Force him to eat every piece of paper he receives!
18. When he's about to use Katon Goukakyuu no jutsu, shove a sock in his mouth. Chances are, the chakra will escape from him through it's only exit; his ass.
19. Dress up as Ronald McDonald and sneak in his bed. Sleep next to him.
20. Invite the Kool-Aid guy over to Sasuke's house. Force them to make out.
21. Inform Sasuke that he's your official bitch. When he disagrees, ask the closest kid to give you their kunai and toss it at him until he agrees.
22. Pretend that you're totally in love with Orochimaru. Keep reminding him that he should get in touch with his "Inner Fag".
23. Tell him that shooting beans out of his nose is just as deadly as the Chidori.
24. Try to copy his Fireball jutsu by holding a match to your ass and farting.
25. Whenever he talks about finding Itachi, hand him a phonebook and say, "Well you better start looking."
26. Rewrite all the thesauruses in Konoha so that the word Sasuke is included under the words stupid, dumb, pretty, happy, and cow.
27. Whenever he starts bleeding, run forward with bandages and yell, "OMIGOSH! OMIGOSH! OMIGOSH!" But never make it to him.
28. Tell him his refrigerator asked you out last night.
29. Go to his house every mealtime and put dog food in a bowl. Force him to eat it while you eat his real meal.
30. Steal all his left socks.
31. Skip after him singing, "I don't know how you do what you do, I'm so in love with you!"
32. Release a buttload of butterflies in his room.
33. Walk around eating watermelon all day, spit the seeds at his back.
34. Inform him that he has a very slendor form and should consider being a model.
35. Glue him to a baby carriage and push him around all day.
36. When walking in public, shout "Hey! I saw you at the circus yesterday!" Then glomp him. Let go and say, "Sorry. I must have mistaken you for Bonkers, the flying Dutch monkey."
37. Randomly fall on top of him.
38. Jump off of buildings and use him as your landing cushion.
39. When speaking to you, switch between Italian, French, and Japanese.


40. Call him Naruto's nickname. Dickless Wonder.
41. Put a plateful of riceballs on his lawn and surround them with lasers, barbed wire, and explosives.
42. Toilet paper his house.
43. Mistake him for a tree frog.
44. Sing "Dude Looks Like a Lady" around him.
And the number one way to annoy Sasuke
Actually, change of plans. The way to make Sasuke extremely happy:
45. Give him my address.
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