Summary: The White Fang's son captures a six-year-old Iruka's interest...but why is he so sad? Follows the lives of Kakashi and Iruka as they grow up together. Please R&R! Rating: Category:General Fiction Characters: Genres: None Warnings: None Challenge: None Series: None Chapter: 5 Completed: No Words: 26097 Read: 10226 Published: 10/09/06 Updated: 24/07/08
1. Chapter 1 by Karuka Ikashi [Reviews - 5] (1857 words)
Some spoilers about Kakashi's past. I started this fic on my birthday. I've been wanting to write something with young Kakashi and Iruka in it for a while. I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think! 2. Chapter 2 by Karuka Ikashi [Reviews - 2] (4456 words)
Second chapter- finally! Hope you enjoy~ Let me know what you think!