The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
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Site Info

Members: 11999
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Loli_riz
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Philadelphia by Reign of Tragedy

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Story notes: Konohagakure Replaces Philadelphia In The Lyrics
"Naruto-san, what's that question you ask me almost every day? You know, the one since we were children." Sakura stood politely beside Naruto, hands intertwined in themselves, hanging before her.
"Uueee... Sakura-chan, will you go out with me?"
"Hai!" She responded, with such a sweet and simple smile.

Like A Gunshot From Miles Away
She's Moving In

Naruto was confused, and it showed on his blank expression. He scratched his head and looked at Sakura, trying to understand what was going on.

"Ohh, but you'd better ask me more confidently, or I may have to change my mind." She playfully chided him.

Like A Rainstorm Without The Clouds
She Falls On Him

Naruto took a deep breath, and straightened up. Taking a step closer, and more importantly hoping he was getting this right, he looked down into Sakura's eyes.

"Sakura-chan, will you go out with me? Tonight. I'll pick you up at seven." She smiled at him, just as sweet as ever.

"Hai, Naruto-kun. At seven."

Like A Phone Call To Warn The Truth
It Never Rings

That was several dates ago. That was months ago, before Pein, before Hinata came, before Sasuke tried to kill Sakura, before Obito broke Kakshi's spirit. That was before Naruto's dad saved everyone again, it was before Sasuke came home. That was before they saved the world together and Sasuke was just as much of a hero as he was. That was before Sakura had a choice to even choose from.

It's The Truth Before The Lies
It's The Way She Doesn't Try
It's The Wink Before The Slight
In Konohagakure
In Konohagakure

When the war was over, the other Kage and nobles had been amazed and astounded that Konoha had a genin amongst it's ranks that was clearly a Kage-level shinobi. With unanimous consent amongst everyone present, Naruto was promoted to Chuunin. Seeing that it was ridiculous to hold him to chuunin, but not wanting to throw him directly to jonin, they gave him a time period of eight months to a year before he could test for jonin, at the discretion of the Hokage. It was agreed he would only need one recommendation from a current jonin. Thus, Naruto was gone from home often these days, "earning his stripes" as they called it.

They They Met After Work One Day
She Laughed With Him

Coming home from one such mission, he asked the gate guards if they had seen Sakura.

"Oh yeah! Sasuke had just gotten home from one of those mission's Tsunade-sama has you guys doing. She came by and met him here."

Naruto's gut felt like it shifted. He nodded and hid his frown behind a smile. Before his could leave one of the guards stopped him.

"I think they said something about going to Hanami." "Hai, of course. It's her favorite bar."

They Drove Off Their Separate Ways
Then Met For Drinks

Naruto debated the shower or the bar. He trusted Sakura, he thought. In all honesty though it was that he knew Sasuke never held any interest in Sakura before. However that was before he had gotten his revenge on Itachi. Sasuke left for four years, Naruto wasn't sure if he valued their friendship over restoring his clan.

Ultimately he headed for the bar. He never got there though, instead he found them walking down the street. He couldn't bring himself to join them though because of the direction they were heading. There was only two things in this part of town, the prison... and the Uchiha Compound. Naruto couldn't watch anymore. He went home.

When He Got Home The Silent Guilt
Was Deafening

"Naruto's home." Sakura never responded, and Sasuke did not prod her.

It's The Truth Before The Lies
It's The Way She Doesn't Try
It's The Wink Before The Slight
In Konohagakure
In Konohagakure

Naruto just couldn't understand why he felt so dirty. What had he done so wrong? Sasuke had done in sixteen days what it had taken Naruto 16 years to do. Something he apparently still hadn't done. He silently climbed into the shower, but for the life of him he couldn't get the water hot enough. The water did however, allow him the mercy of not having to feel his own tears fall down his face. He has no idea how long he stayed under the scalding hot water.

She Thought That Love Was Gonna Fight
She Thought That Love Was Gonna Take Her Home

Sakura had known that Naruto was there before Sasuke had said anything. In truth, she hadn't been that intoxicated to begin with, just enough to make her conscious leave her alone. The buzz she did have had dwindled with Naruto's appearance. She had fucked up, going on this date with Sasuke. On top of that, she couldn't even fuck up properly, forgetting Naruto was due home today. She thought that Naruto would do something, anything. Talk, accuse, joke, plead, swear, fight. She never expected him to just leave.

She Thought That Love Was Gonna Save Her
But Love Just Never Showed

By the time they entered the Main House, the house Sasuke claimed as his own now, she was counting on her love for Sasuke to assuage her doubts. She tried to tell herself that really Naruto knew all along where her heart belonged. It was really just a matter of time, right? She noticed that although Sasuke had brought her into his house, he had not taken her into his room. The room they were in looked more like a guest room. Maybe it was set for this occasion, but it wasn't his room, and that made it feel impersonal. She tried to kiss him, but it went unreturned, and the buzz she had retained faded from her.

She Thought That Love Was Always Watching
Oh We Learned That Love Was Supposed To Win

Sakura was not sure on any level whether love had never come, or if love had already been defeated. What she did know was that her heart hurt, and it had nothing to do with what Sasuke was doing to her nether regions. Not physically anyway. She knew that love was not down there either, where they had been joined to become "one." She doesn't think they've ever been so far apart. She stares into his eyes looking for something, love, lust even. She knows though that despite being on top of her and inside of her, Sasuke doesn't even see her. So where was Love? It had left with Naruto Uzamaki.

Oh But Sometimes It's The Demons
That Are Standing In The End

Sasuke finished; Sakura had never even started. He rolled over and without any endearments or acts of affection he stood up. As he turned to walk away, she thought she saw his eyes glint red. In her mind she heard the cry, "Rasengan!" She saw the glow that accompanied the swirling blue ball. Her heart lifted for a second, thinking that Naruto HAD come back for her, but a heartbeat later found her hopes to be in vain. There was no swirling bright blue ball of light, and Sasuke was the only one standing in the doorway. He wiped himself off with a towel, and seemed to consider giving it to her, but changed his mind and walked away. Twice now tonight, she had been left to her own device. She had been left somewhere love couldn't find her.

Sakura got up. She went to Naruto's house, where she had been staying prior. She cried the whole way.

He Slips Off His Worn Old Suit
And Tries To Rest

She can see Naruto visibly relax when she enters the house, now aware that it was her coming in through the window. She would've used the door but the lock was broken and she had only dully noted that it wasn't that way when she left. She cant bring herself to face him yet and so she goes to take a shower. The heat from Naruto's shower buffets her, and there is still perspiration on the glass. And eternity later, she finally re-emerges from a shower almost as hot as his, and climbs into bed.

She's A Million Miles Away Across The Bed
She Rolls Over, Puts Her Hand Across His Chest

She can feel the distance between them now, she can feel the void but she can't fill it. Still she lays there until the moment doesn't feel so awkward anymore, with her eyes wide until they don't stay open anymore. The whole time she's there, Naruto doesn't speak, but she knows that he in't asleep. Idly, she taces random lines into his chest and woners if he notices how many times she draws hearts or writes the katakana for love. She wonders if even notices at all. She doesn't know that the real Naruto is watching her from outside his window, and so she doesn't notice when he leaves, not really. She kind of thinks she can feel it though, and that's why she doesn't react when the clone poofs from existence.

It's The Truth Before The Lies
It's The Way She Doesn't Try
It's The Wink Before The Slight
In Konohagakure
In Konohagakure

In the end, between Tsunade's disappointment and Shizune's pity, Konoha still doesn't let Sakura get the abortion. They need the Uchiha Clan restored and will not allow the child to be destroyed. Now living what used to be her dream, Sakura is probabl the most unhappy Kunoichi in all of Konoha.

Oooooooohooooo Oooooooohooooo
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