Summary: When Leader takes the Akatsuki's to see a shrink, they get stuck with Dr. Phill, who will kill Dr. Phill first, or will they be killed. (we also find out alittle about them)^^
Categories: General Fiction Characters: Deidara, Hidan, Kisame Hoshigaki, Sasori, Tobi, Itachi Uchiha
Genres: Humor
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No
Word count: 384 Read: 4742
Published: 10/03/08 Updated: 31/03/08
Deidara by AJ Komozocky
Author's Notes:
I dont own Naruto, and Like i promised after finishing Akatsuki BOwling, here it is BUMBUMBUM! DR. PILL! I could have come up with a better name, but I was in a hurry...
Deidara:What the...Where the hell am I! yeah!
Dr. Phill:Cussing is bad
Deidara:do you want to be blown up? un
Dr. Phill:Today we have a young woman who has a few problems.
Deidara: I AM A GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Phill: some of those problems have to do with gender...
Deidara: I will show you problems...*tries to attack dr. Phill*
Dr. Phill: viloence is not the answer, love is.
Deidara:what kinda love is putting me in a straight jacket un?
Dr. Phill: now, Deidara is it? what we are about to show you is your life at home...
tv: Deidara this is your life!
Deidara:I AM TO A GUY! YEAH!*explosion*
Deidara:Hidan how many times to I have to tell you, my clay is for killing not molding!
Itachi: Kisame dont bother him, he's is PMSIng...
Deidara:who the hell made this? un
Tobi:*appears on screne* Sempai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deidara: I should have known!
Dr. Phill: Now Deidara this boy really cares about you, come on lets bring him out!
Tobi: Deidara-sempai!*hugs Deidara*
Deidara dont touch me or you will never see the light of day again! Un!
Dr. Phill:go on hug him Deidara
Audiancce:HUG HIM HUG HIM HUG HIM!!!!!!!!
Deidara:Yeah right!
Tobi:But I love you in sickness and in health, rich or for poor...
Deidara:WE ARENT GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH!
Tobi; but...but....*cries*
Deidara:If I hug you will you shut up?! Un
Tobi:*hugs him*
Saori:*runs out* WHAT ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*cries*
Deidara:please someone shoot me!*Sasori joins the hug*
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.