Name Meaning- Unknown (literally it means unknown! I know that)
Personality- Quiet, usually serious except when she's pretending to be her sister, depending on her mood she might want to hurt you or she might not
Likes- Her sister, her mother, eventual Sasuke... or maybe someone else, blue, black, her name, darkness, night, the moon, painting, animals, the forest, lying
Dislikes- hates anything girly except her sister ( even though she wears a skirt... she only does it cause her mom and sister make her), stupidity, pink, over protective-ness
Hair- bright red
Eyes- turquoise
Long, Sharp Nails
Meaning of Name- Seashell
Personality- stupid, loud, almost never serious, oblivious, mood-swings
Likes- Her sister, Akatsuki, eventual Naruto... maybe, traveling, drawing, animals, wildlife, daylight, sun, clouds, her name, the ocean
Dislikes- lying, mean people, 'know-it-alls', grey, 'yucky things', barnicals
Hair- bright red
Eyes- turquoise
Short, Round Nails
Distinguishing facts (differences between the twins)-
Kai's hair is not as bright as Michi's, Michi's hair is a little longer and the part is different, facial expressions, clothing, the nails
Michi is on the left (in the blue), Kai is on the right (in the pink)