Summary: I am Uzumaki Naruto, number one supernatural bounty hunter in the country, and I still would have been number two if a certain someone on the top spot hadn’t switched sides. Not by choice, but that certain person definitely became one of the monsters, and eventually embraced it.
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance, Supernatural
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 5932 Read: 9291
Published: 12/06/07 Updated: 05/07/07
Dressing up with Guns and Knives by LeMoNs Chan
Author's Notes:
Ok, ok. I'm not a gun expert, but I'm trying.. i_i.. Any tips? -whines-
LeMoNs-Chan: Oh yey, I’m so glad ya’ll are enjoying this so far.
Naru-chyan: I’m kinda enjoying it too!
LeMoNs-Chan: Wow, even though I have something in store for you… that…
Naru-chyan: That what?!
LeMoNs-Chan: Oh, nothing, carry on… :D –cuts him off-
-Dressing up with Guns and Knives-
I dressed in a black wife beater with a pair of matching slightly baggy black jeans. I pulled on my orange light weight sweater—flashy much, me?—and slid my silver 12” dagger sheath down the side of my pants, then inserted the matching dagger, which was engraved near the tip with a cross. I wasn’t very religious, but the symbol, as well as the silver really did make the vamps unhappy. Crosses didn’t work much for anything else, save a few more undead, but the silver was likewise helpful toward Lycanthropes.
Though Shikamaru had asked me to do a staking, no one used actually wooden—or silver—stakes nowadays. It was just complete annihilation. I.E. Cut off the head, rip out the heart, rip out the spinal cord, some of the things that would assure complete lifelessness to the being in question.
Using a shoulder holster, I slapped in a clip with .40 S&W bullets into my Sigma. The bullets were special ordered, melted down with a blessed silver cross from the Christian Church of God located right in the middle of Konoha. The Sigma even had a chiseled in silver cross that was also melted from the holy cross. Faithful much, who me?
Well, when the world is full of monsters, you have to have faith that there is still something good in the world, no?
I flicked on the safety with my thumb and strapped my baby—er, the Sigma in. I likewise flicked the safety on, on my .45 ACP semi-automatic compact pistol—also courtesy of S&W and slipped it into my pocket. The compact pistol also had silver bullets.
The jacket was large, so it didn’t stick to my form but merely poked out in orange angles. Everything was unnoticeable. When one has to walk through crowds of people, you really don’t want to be flashing your goods—er, guns to people.
I looped a belt through the hoops in my pants and zipped the jacket only a bit, I needed it slightly open if I wanted to make a grab for the Sigma. I ran a hand through my blond hair, combed a bit at the lengthy side hairs—face warmers Kiba had called them—and suddenly I was presentable for the outside world. Thuggish looking supernatural bounty hunters didn’t get around as easily as clean cut, it would seem.
I shoved two extra clips into my pockets for both guns. Would I need them? Probably not, but hey, maybe I would need to kick more ass than necessary tonight.
I grabbed my keys and slipped a cross over my neck, it was ancient, an heirloom from my deceased father. It was embedded in the middle with three shards of crystal, a keepsake from one of my mentors, Tsunade. Sentimental much, nah!
I made a grab for the doorknob and stopped in mid motion as it started turning by itself. Dammit, how long had the door been unlocked?!
There was no time to act dumbfounded, I grabbed for the compact pistol and literally got low, slinking away from the door and toward the corner that led into my kitchen. There was a soft creak, and the door opened.
I stayed silent, breaths coming slow and quiet and damn near un-hearable. The person shifted and flipped on and switch and I surveyed their lower half. There was nothing in there hands. I flipped off the safety and took that moment to shoulder roll and aim at them.
“AH, HOLD ON NARUTO, IT’S ME!!” Shrieked a totally mortified Haruno Sakura, she had her hands up and was tearing up at the corner of her eyes.
“Er, ah, Sakura-chan!” I put flipped the safety switch back on and quickly shoved the gun back inside my pocket. “Ahaha, Sorry Sakura-chan.”
“God, Naruto, you’re such a fucking psycho, y’know that?” She breathed out, wiping a tear from her eye.
I scratched at the back of my head and grinned, “Well, you know what business I am in.” The grin stretched my face to the point where it almost hurt. I moved toward her to give her a proper greeting.
Sakura took a step back, staring me in the eye as she shook her head and replied, “Yeah, I know.” She threw a key onto my counter, it was the duplicate house key I had had made for her, “... and I’m tired of it, Naruto.”
My hand slowly fell from the back of my head, and so did my grin, “… w-what are you trying to say, Sakura-chan?” I kept my voice straight and firm. We weren’t children anymore.
“You know what I’m trying to say Naruto. I’m tired of always wondering if someone is going to come through my door because we’re together. I’m tired of the distance between us, and I’m tired of always having a gun pointed in my face when I come through the damn door!” She shouted the last part, then proceeded to cover her mouth with her hand, feeling as though she had said too much.
What Sakura had really done was say what I had needed to know for a while now. My eyebrows pressed together and I strained not to tear up. “Sakura-chan… Can’t we..”
“No, we can’t work this out and you know it.” She said dismissively, a finger rubbing at her temple.
I tried not to frown and took another step toward her, mouth forming a word but she spook before I could even utter a sound.
“Good bye, Naruto. I need a normal relationship, and you can’t give me that. I need you to stay away.” And with that, she turned around and exited the house, walking down the stairs before breaking into a run; her stiletto heels clacking against the concrete until the very sound became a distance ringing within the ears.
I didn’t chase after her.
My head pressed against the cool surface of the wall and I sucked in a big breath, and then released it. Honestly, the first thought that came to my head was ‘freedom,’ but then there was a part of me that would regret letting her go so easily.
Ah, well. If there was any anger about this within me, I was surely going to take it out on a certain Gilmore Jerry.
I headed toward the door, turned off the light, and stepped out. Locking the door behind me, I faced the cool night air. It was about five A.M. and I only had about thirty minutes before sunrise. Gilmore Jerry was going to be staked tonight, and sadly for him, his demise may come more brutally than necessary. Anger management in need? Naw!
A/N: It is rather odd to be writing again, but I find this AU supernatural world Naruto to be rather fun. I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I. It has been a while since I have been into my writing. Thank you for reading, and critique as well are comments are always appreciated~ :D
P.S. Yes, get Sakura bish out of the way so the REAL couple can evolve. –wink wink, nudge nudge-
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.