Book of Darkness by Satoyuki
Summary: Just the poems I write. Hope it doesn't suck too much.
Categories: Non-Naruto Fiction Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 668 Read: 12577 Published: 13/05/07 Updated: 04/07/07

1. Shadows by Satoyuki

2. Greed by Satoyuki

3. Lucifel by Satoyuki

4. Masks by Satoyuki

Shadows by Satoyuki
Author's Notes:
First poem, nothing specail. Enjoy.
From brightest day,
To blackest night,
The joys I earn
Have a price to pay
In the Horror's flight.

From Heat's touch,
I learned of love.
In Cold's embrace,
I lost so much;
All on the wings of a dove.

Hope is the dream,
Despair is the real.
We give our souls
To embrace an ideal.
O, to be given that sacred theme...

The dark sun
Rises on a black world;
The Flag of Hell
Is the chosen One
To be forever unfurled.

This is what I know,
These truths from Hell.
My soul is black
From having to tow
That accursed, dark Bell.
Greed by Satoyuki
Author's Notes:
Time for Round II.
Some people hunger for Power.
Others lust for themselves to be freed.
I'd give my soul to escape this horrid trap,
But there is no time, no hour,
In this hellish Land of Greed.

I see people rise and fall,
And they never carry their shame.
In this world full of Graves,
Each stone stands proud and tall,
But never bear their owner's name...

They think they rule the Earth,
But we see through each Act.
We seem to be alone in this truth...
When we see this play, we know the fact:
We each laugh at another without mirth.

Our dreaded Masters old the key
To the chains 'round our wrists.
We fight until death comes
So that we can possibly see
Through their robes and dark mists.

Enjoy this look through clear eyes.
For, in the end, we are never freed.
I always try to rebel,
But, upon these damned black skies,
We will never escape the embrace of Greed.
Lucifel by Satoyuki
Author's Notes:
I know, I know. I'm a bit sporadic when it comes to updates. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't have much of a choice in the matter.
Some call me "Prince of the Dark,"
Other's call me "Master of Hell."
I trade favors for souls,
And I leave my accursed Mark;
I need not ring the Bell.

Power, I have given a hundred men.
Love, I have given to others.
I always destroy those I "help,"
But only after I rip it away from them,
Or slaughter their lovers.

But how and why, you demand.
Some have blamed me for their sin.
My name is Lucifel the Fallen One.
I was "fated" this by my kin;
Yes, my fall had long been planned.

I was once a great Saint,
Pure and innocent, untouched by hate.
O, if only I was that way again...
But, my king changed my fate,
And used my youth to give me this taint.

They altered Love and made Lust,
Then told me of it to make me rage.
I was tricked into spilling blood with my own hand.
God learned of this, and forsake my trust;
He neglected my young age...

So now you know the truth of your precious Angels.
What do you think of my enforced Banishment?
I gave my purity to seal away the Dark Sins.
Did I deserve this dark prision as my punishment?
All the while, they show off their star'd bangles...

Curse them....

-Lucifel Nosvarath
Masks by Satoyuki
Author's Notes:
Ok, ladies and gents. I'm back again, and my muse finally got off his lazy ass to give me inspiration. Here's the end result, a poem on my mentality.
You act as though you know me,
As if my heart is an open book.
I say you are a mistaken fool.
I remain always hidden behind three,
And each Mask has a different look.

The first Mask is cold;
He is full of sarcasam and malice:
Meet Lucifel the Fallen One, Prince of Death.
This begining form is the start and old,
And sits at the Right with a blood-filled Chalice.

Next comes the Jester's visage.
The embodiment of Mischeif and Strife,
He is Loke the Banished One, Prince of Chaos.
The man gives away copies of his image,
And sits at the Left with blood-stained Knife.

Third is the facade of Purity,
Who acts silently with seeming Innocence.
He is Kaji the Silent One, Prince of Shadows.
Though he seems to be filled with Humility,
He signs at the Center with Death's Resonance.

Finally, we reach the hellish King,
Seated above and behind the Masks three.
He is Unnamed the Dark One, Prince of Ice.
Upon his hand sits a bloodied Ring;
Can any redeam this damed, forsaken form of me?
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