Book of Darkness by Satoyuki
Summary: Just the poems I write. Hope it doesn't suck too much.
Categories: Non-Naruto Fiction Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 668 Read: 12577 Published: 13/05/07 Updated: 04/07/07
Shadows by Satoyuki
Author's Notes:
First poem, nothing specail. Enjoy.
From brightest day,
To blackest night,
The joys I earn
Have a price to pay
In the Horror's flight.

From Heat's touch,
I learned of love.
In Cold's embrace,
I lost so much;
All on the wings of a dove.

Hope is the dream,
Despair is the real.
We give our souls
To embrace an ideal.
O, to be given that sacred theme...

The dark sun
Rises on a black world;
The Flag of Hell
Is the chosen One
To be forever unfurled.

This is what I know,
These truths from Hell.
My soul is black
From having to tow
That accursed, dark Bell.
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