Reviews For Days of Payback
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 06/05/08 - 04:33 pm · For: Chapter 2
Naruto is such a dummy. :3
Author's Response: Yeah... But atleast he's a bute dummy. ^^'
Name: Dag (Signed) · Date: 03/05/08 - 12:22 pm · For: Chapter 2
This story is ace, hehehe, it made me giggle. Poor Gaara, bless him, he's so cute. He wants to see the pandas dammit!!! Keep it up, its great. Don't delay the next chapter!
Author's Response: Thanks so much. Sara and I will try to bang out a new chapter soon, but might be hard cause I just moved and she's... Not really online that much lately. But we'll try!
Name: killer_carebear (Signed) · Date: 02/05/08 - 10:02 am · For: Chapter 1
I can't help it, but I found this really cute...XD
Author's Response: Heh. Thanks.
Name: kurisuchin45556 (Signed) · Date: 01/05/08 - 04:49 pm · For: Chapter 1
no, they can't do that to gaara-kun, he's too good for that.
Author's Response: Hmm... Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. Who knows? It all depends on how hyper the two of us authors are. Yup.
Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 01/05/08 - 11:26 am · For: Chapter 1
XD Heh. Love kiba. =]
Made me chuckle, so it did! :]
Is there a next chapter? I hope there's a next chapter :0 I know you wrote it because you guys where bored, but you have to have a next chapter! KFNXBYE. *squee*. XOXOX
Author's Response: Yes! There shall be a new chapter, just not sure when it'll get done. We can usually bang one out within two days, depending on how much time the both of us have. Anywho, thanks for the review! We're glad it made you laugh!
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 01/05/08 - 04:56 am · For: Chapter 1
Weee! another story!!.
yeah... update SOON! :D
Author's Response: XD Okay. We'll try to get a new chap up as soon as possible. Might be hard cause I'm in the middle of moving and computer time is kinda short. Heh. But yeah, thanks for the review! ^^
Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 30/04/08 - 11:09 pm · For: Chapter 1
haHAH! We are totally made of WIN!
Author's Response: I know. We rock hardcore! XD