Reviews For Diary of the Blind Cherry Blossom
Name: Silent Witness (Signed) · Date: 21/09/07 - 07:38 am · For: Chapter 2
Looks like it's shaping up pretty good so far. In later fics, when you want the Kyuubi to speak, try italicizing his words so that they stand out, and don't blend in with the paragraph. It's pretty moving too.
Anyway, Zatoichi was a character from old Japanese samurai films that took on a life of its own. "Zatoichi" literally means "blind one", and Zatoichi was a blind swordsmen who was really good at what he did.
Name: Silent Witness (Signed) · Date: 20/09/07 - 01:06 pm · For: Chapter 1
Liked Zatoichi much? (^_^)
I think this a pretty good start for a fanfic. This'll probably prove to be pretty interesting.
Author's Response: Errr.....Zatoichi?(XD no IDEA what that is!!!)rnrnAnyway I Reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy appreciate the review. Thanks a ton, and if you have any in-depth feedback, don't be afraid to post it. Anywho, chapter 2 is up now, you can read that if you like. Thanks again! rnrn-SakuraChanFAn