The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12001
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: miwi
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Naruto's talk show

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 10:03 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
*falls over giggling* Sorry...I just read that one dude's review..'and A Vampires Butterfly is being mean to me' *giggles again* He's tattling on me or something...I can't believe he actually got my name right...And I wasn't mean to him...just some tough advice. Besides he won't stop bugging you through reviews. I hate when people do that. *giggles again* I just found that really funny. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- RamenFox : Yeah I laugehd about that too. I was surprised he actually spelled something correctly for once. I new you were giving some advice, go read my review at his talk show. Sometimes I wish he would stop reviewing, I keep telling him one reveiw at a time. But he won't listen.

Name: rasengan_welch (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 08:05 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
care to give me a hint of the next few upcoming chapters?

-- RamenFox : You must be bored, but no. I can't tell you anything about the upcoming chapters. ^_^ It would be spoilers.

Name: rasengan_welch (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 08:00 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
hell,forget it..i'll keep reading this.i truly love the way you write kitsune.and i called you kit before cuz you were once a baby're a big fox.catch my drift?

-- RamenFox : Eh, i'm still little. But I'm a teen! Yeah! xD Or is it, I would prefer Kit since Kitsune is a long word and nicknames are to shorten names. Yes I catch your drift. lol

-- RamenFox : Oh! And YAY Thanks for reading this stuff anyway! xD Even though you don't have to.

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 06:30 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
and A Vampires Butterfly is being mean to me

-- RamenFox : *hands knife to A Vampire's Butterdly* *whispers to her* Good luck. LOL Just kidding. ^_^

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 06:17 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
hm have you seen my new chapter

-- RamenFox : For your fic or your request?

Name: baxter54132 (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 02:45 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
yay it was great. gj

-- RamenFox : Thank you!

Name: coolbeans13 (Signed) · Date: 13/07/07 - 10:01 am · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
That...was...AMAZING! Okay, so it was totally random and everything, but it was so entertaining and hilarious. The Mary-Kate and Ashley thing was great, and the "animal planet" analogy towards the end was brilliant. Haha, the best line (at least I thought) was “Hey! I may be a bitch and a whore but I am not childish!” was just so great :)

-- RamenFox : Thank you! I'm glad you like the randomness! LOL xD

Name: fire fox 2000 (Signed) · Date: 12/07/07 - 09:50 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
my topic is shino/naruto
(im doing this because i like shino)
my guests are shino,naruto,hinata,sasuke,and kiba
thanx psi love your stories

-- RamenFox : OMG! OMG!!! LOL LOLOLOLOLOL xDDDDD Jesus, you people are evil. After finally having Gaara of Sasuke's back...and Naruto' just have Shino come in the picture!? Sasuke will sure hate you. xD Thanks I'm glad you like my story!

Name: Wild_Flower (Signed) · Date: 12/07/07 - 07:58 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
I'm glad those two are finally together.

-- RamenFox : Yay! I'm glad you like it.

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 12/07/07 - 07:56 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
i think i threw up 50 times wow this made me sick and yoiu still neeed to do a chapter for me renewing mine

-- RamenFox : *ignores*

Name: rasengan_welch (Signed) · Date: 12/07/07 - 07:51 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
god.....yaoi is so messed up man...i still have no idea why i read this..maybe i should turn my attention to some other story.but this one has some interesting elements though..hmm....

-- RamenFox : I wouldn't mind if you stopped reading this. And theres Yuri in here, don't you like Yuri?'re a guy and all...^_^ And thanks, this story does have interesting elements...whatever that

Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 12/07/07 - 07:47 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
well im a psycho too you idiot and can i have a hinata plushie from someone who isnt orochimaru's bitch and if ino and sakura like yaoi does that mean naruto and sasuke like yuri O!o and why did you get the black screen for the raping and also how did naruto escape the first time and doesnt sakura like being raped also although Lee is weird (and from canada as seen on the abridged series) im weird too so i feel sorry for him and also garra is really going to hurt him and i hhope the tub is big enough

-- RamenFox : You have good questions, I shall answer them one by one.... I already know you were crazy, (You proved that by making the strangest one shots couples fic with SabuxNaru) And I had Kabuto be the seller because he had that Orochimaru plushy so...yeah, and also people like Kabuto so I thought I'd show him more. ^_^ Oh, and Sasuke and Naruto doesn't like Yuri like Sakura and Ino like Yaoi...they just except it. They aren't Yuri fans. I put a black screen on the rape part cause this is based on live television and people can't 'Do It' on TV shows. No knows how Naruto escaped from Sasuke, but he probably used Iruka's method, no sex for a month...xD Sakura does not like being raped like Naruto and Iruka...she's the Uke. I'm sure Gaara won't hurt him...he would probably do the opposite than hurt him...*drools* Oh and I LOVE Naruto, The Abridged Series. It's like the best parody show ever! xD Thanks to MasakoX and Vegeta!

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 12/07/07 - 07:24 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
*dies from blood lose* Gaara...Lee...rose petals...bath...rape *faints again* THANK YOU FOXY!!!!!!!!!! I wuv it! I so love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! *grins* I remember when I first reviewed this...who would have thought it would get this far, with yaoi, yuri, and rape in almost every wonderful, hilarious, chapter? I should have guessed...I usually have a great sense where fics will go from the first chapter, but well this is great! I. Love. It! Another seme to the club! I can't wait for more!!! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- RamenFox : Thanks! I'm glad you love it! Yes, it surprises me as well. I'm so glad i made Gaara join the Seme club, now it's complete with four members, I wonder who else will*smirks*...Thanks again! ^_^

Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 12/07/07 - 07:18 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee

Gaara can FINALLY be in Sasuke's lovely club. XD


-- RamenFox : LOL YAY!

Name: Hope4love (Signed) · Date: 12/07/07 - 07:09 pm · For: Chapter 26 GaaxLee
I like GaaLee. :)

-- RamenFox : Glad you do. xD

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 11/07/07 - 07:17 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
have you seen my new chapter or are we not talking any more

-- RamenFox : Oh sorry, I wasn't on the somputer at the time. ^_^

Name: Sky_blue (Signed) · Date: 10/07/07 - 01:14 pm · For: Chapter 25 LeexSaku
I just thought of a good topic for later...possibly after the next chapter. I want to hear about KibaHina. I want to see their reactions...especially Neji's.

-- RamenFox : I HAVE A LOT OF CHAPTERS TO GO. So I hope you can wait. ^_^

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 08/07/07 - 04:25 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
it is a sonic screwdriver a weapon used by time lords it does a shit load of stuff like bruns things and opens any lock itachi must get me a new one

-- RamenFox : Okay...Itachi get him one.

Name: sasuke kun (Signed) · Date: 07/07/07 - 11:24 pm · For: Chapter 17 Ino/Saku Part 2
*chases sakura* YOU PINK BITCH!

-- RamenFox : What i said before in the last review.

Name: sasuke kun (Signed) · Date: 07/07/07 - 11:07 pm · For: Chapter 17 Ino/Saku Part 2
*chases sakura* YOU PINK BITCH!

-- RamenFox : Poor Ino. lol

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 07/07/07 - 12:17 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
i am really wowed that ita hasn't give you readation posing i did it to our mum when i came out and itachi did to oh tell itachi to stop takeing my sonic screwdriver or get me a new one this one is all gooey and he worite on it rf likes this what does that mean you know

-- RamenFox : Okay stop it, I don't care if Itachi took your screw driver (Why would he take it anyway!?) I'm not buying yoiu another one or taking responsibility of Itachi's actiona. And I have no idea what he's talking about. *Shifty eyes*

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 06/07/07 - 08:30 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
your so mean *goes to tardis to cry*

-- RamenFox : You were mean first. T^T

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 06/07/07 - 02:10 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
i am telling you doctor who fans will be pissed the doctor is never gay never he had kids plz do not make him gay put him in the next chapter but not gay if so i shall never talk to you again and i will make itachi split up with you

-- RamenFox : First of all, stop reviewing so much and second of all I am NOT putting Doctor in my next chapter, and you can't make Itachi split up cause he hates you not me. Also if you even ask again to put doctor or anyone in my fic I will never talk to you again because I have told you many times no. Thank you.

Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 06/07/07 - 01:27 pm · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
hey for one the best person in the world is the person who made naruto and naruto is the best person in the anime world witch does exist believe me all though hinatta is my favorite and also i can make an ad like that in microsoft paint im chewy that way

-- RamenFox : Okay, whatever. ^/_\^ Itachi face!

Name: dw431 (Signed) · Date: 06/07/07 - 09:43 am · For: Chapter 1 Introduction
fine i guss i have to do it and no one reads mymfic but you and he had kids so he can not be gay ha

-- RamenFox : Damn...I will get him to be gay...just you wait....xD

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