Reviews For College Kids
Name: sew123093 (Signed) · Date: 24/05/07 - 11:11 am · For: Chance Meetings
I think this will be a great story. So far it is awesome. I hope the best for you!
Author's Response: Yey! Thank you!
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 21/05/07 - 08:18 pm · For: Chance Meetings
*looks nervously at Nikki* I'm not sure if I should pull a Sai and say what I want to say even though I may just get killed or keep my mouth shut...*thinks* It's too late to think...I think about it later. Anyway...HILARIOUS! Damn you are really digging into crack couples for this one aren't ya both? I can't wait for more! Sorry I'm too tired to write more. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: Yes you should just stay quiet *puts Violet in a box* Ok you're safe =D *giggles* Yes Yes we are >< Thats the whole point of this fic *snickers*
Name: Nikki_Yaoi (Signed) · Date: 19/05/07 - 04:31 pm · For: Faint
-points at Violet- I must say, you should run, especially if you see a tanker...>.> No one insults my Orochi-kun and lives to talk about it
Author's Response: *hides in RV*
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 19/05/07 - 06:38 am · For: Faint
Aww...Oni, you shouldn't be shy around know he is yours so tackle glomp him quickly! Who knows you else might want him? And I still don't trust Orochimaru...he's a child molester...>.> Can't wait for more! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: Yeah well anyone who tries to take him is meeting a car running them ove ^_^ and seriously.. Nikki will maul you Violet...
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 19/05/07 - 06:33 am · For: Celebration
*tries to stop laughing to at least type right* That was funny as hell! I loved the Kabuto part! Two geniuses in the same room can't be a good thing...Oh and Kiba and Kanky together? *giggles* Great job Oni, and of course Nikki. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: *snickers* oh yeah Kabuto meets hell here >< and maybe >< Thank you!
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 19/05/07 - 06:30 am · For: Road Rage
No!!! Don't run over Itachi!!! Poor Itachi, Tobi is funny, but I don't think even I could live with him. And Orochimaru is B-A-D, BAD!! and E-V-I-L, EVIL!!! I so don't trust the room mate pair ups. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: Don't let Nikki hear ya say that Violet *shifty eyes* she may attack .. *snickers* Thank you!
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 19/05/07 - 06:26 am · For: Course Selection
*huggles Tobi* Of course Tobi's a good boy....Hehehe...I am so loving this Oni! Sorry it took me forever to find it, my computer totally went dead on me, but now I'm back forever!!! Anywho..I'm off to read more, but this is just hilarious and I just so love it! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Author's Response: Yes he is a good boy a bit brain dead at tiumes but good ^_^ *pats* its ok no worries ^_^
Name: Deadly Dream (Signed) · Date: 17/05/07 - 05:18 pm · For: Course Selection
*giggles* I love it... and Tobi, he ish fun! *huggles Tobi* Lol, South Harmon? I t reminds me of the movie Accepted, is that where you got it from?^^
Author's Response: Hehe yes it is... I couldnt think of a college and that was the first to come to tempted to write 'Institute of Technology'
Name: Sweet_Sacrifice (Signed) · Date: 17/05/07 - 03:13 pm · For: Course Selection
OOo I Love it! Cant wait to see more!
Author's Response: Thank you ^_^