Reviews For What the hell?
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 22/07/07 - 11:04 am · For: Chapter 1 Where am I?
you could juust write a disclaimer as usual saying i dont own naruto the abriged series vegeta3966(I think thats wring i forgot)and mosacox thats what i'd do it would actualy help them because people who read your stories with is a lot of people will want to know where you got that from and they will go to abriged and see its a win win situation
-- RamenFox : ...Nah, I know I could do that. But I like to make up my own funny stuff and not take some off of people that already made it. It's not that funny listening to jokes that people already heard, you know what I mean. I'm just gonna let MasakoX and Vageta do their thing. ^_^ Heh, win win... Kakashi: "Naruto, if you win, I get praised. If you lose, you die. Either for me it's win win." xDDD
Name: monkeygodlance (Signed) · Date: 21/07/07 - 08:01 pm · For: Chapter 16 They're close
monkeygodlance thinks Tobi is hilarious! Seriously though, where did you come up with this. It's so random it's hilarious. Keep it up.
-- RamenFox : Thank you. xD You sounded like Tobi just now. -__-; Don't ask where I get this stuff, I just go along with the story. LOL
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 15/07/07 - 12:16 pm · For: Chapter 1 Where am I?
nice you no shoulld totaly put some of that abridged stuff in there one of these day like in the talk shows wait im going to write a letter about it perfect and will the character get more chances to answer fan-mail or is once for every character *tch tch tch tch garra of the funk* a high pitched voice cried. "Does that happen every time someone says his name" naruto spoke. "Sadly yes" Kankuro said looking down. "Sweet Garra of the funk"naruto said in plain excited voice. *tch tch tch tch garra of the funk* the voice said again. "Please don't do that"kankuro said."Come on guys lets leave these guys dont respect the funk" Garra said turning. "these guys are morons' he continued. Wait you guys are from the sand guord village right" sakura or naruto said i cant remember. See what i mean WAS IT THE SAND GOURD ON MY BACK THAT GAVE IT AWAY" end flash back ahh good times good times garra of the funk well see ya LOGGED
-- RamenFox : Sakura said that. and LOL sorry but i don't want to copy. It would be copy right infringement, or something like that...anyway I do make Gaara like DDR. You make me want to watch Naruto abridged on youtube now. xD
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 14/07/07 - 05:19 pm · For: Chapter 1 Where am I?
ohyeah and if you dont ill get the one foot tall brick wall
-- RamenFox : "The one foot tall brick wall!? Where?!" LOL! Anko said that, it was funny!
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 14/07/07 - 05:18 pm · For: Chapter 16 They're close
nice but what about behind the scenes
-- RamenFox : I'm working on it right now. Almost done too. xD
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 14/07/07 - 02:58 pm · For: Chapter 16 They're close
*giggles uncontrollably* Poor, Poor Naru-chan...he is going to be saved by morons and then probably get raped by them! Yes, poor, poor, Naru-chan. *snickers* I love the idea of cute little Deidara as a cheerleader...*grins* Can't wait for more! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- RamenFox : Deidara would look nice as a cheerleader doesn't he. It suits him for some reason. xD Yay for the Naruto's four fans! ^_^
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 14/07/07 - 02:47 pm · For: Chapter 16 They're close
Hahaha Neji IS a pervert AND sensitive...
Oooh! I saw a typo..
Here's the line XD
"Deidara and Sasori became cheerleaders while Sasori....just stood there.....sighing"
..Hehe Itachi.. ^_^
-- RamenFox : Oh whoops! I fixed it now. xD Thanks for telling me. Neji's too sensitive. LOL
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 06/07/07 - 01:39 pm · For: Chapter 15 OMG...
i said why hasnt sasuke even attacked his brother yet he had plenty of chances to kill him but he hasnt even touched him and why would i want sasuke hes definatley not mine if he ws i'd sell him or make his weak self bemy body guard i mean even if he is weak hes still a ninja and we live in a human world so there and well naruto jumped off a cliff the end oh and on a side note do you want me to write more of 'Strangest Couples One-Shots'
-- RamenFox : Because this is my fanfic and I write what's happening. Yeah, update Strangest couples one-shots! But no pressure.
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 05/07/07 - 08:19 pm · For: Chapter 15 OMG...
name the monster freak and hy hast sasuke even attacked his brother
-- RamenFox : You can't force me to name the ugly ass! Plus, Shino knows what it's called and he hasn't seen it yet so for now it's called Ugly ass or wolf dragon squid winged tentacle monster thingy. And what's a 'hy hast'? My fast Sasuke? Or The fast Sasuke? Check you're spelling please. It would be nice if you would compliment. T^T
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 05/07/07 - 07:52 pm · For: Chapter 15 OMG...
*falls over giggling* I loved the Itachi and Hinata thing, it was too funny! I can't wait for more! I knew that monster thing was taking too long. It was because of the doughnuts. *nods* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- RamenFox : Everyone loves doughuts. Espeically Itachi. ^/_\^
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 04/07/07 - 02:00 am · For: Chapter 11 Whan ants attack!
Deidara touches himseeellf!! Ahahaha
Shino is sooo awesome. n___n
-- RamenFox : LOL! >o<
-- RamenFox : LOL! >o<
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 04/07/07 - 01:54 am · For: Chapter 9 Shika's plan/ Trapped fox/ Giant ants
Itachi and Sasuke convo was the best...Lol
"I went to the beach.
-- RamenFox : Uchihas...glad you like them. ^_^
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 04/07/07 - 01:49 am · For: Chapter 8 New help/ monster/ The four fans
Ahh...That is...highly disturbing..
:laugh: The four Naruto fans...Funny
-- RamenFox : Yes, yes it is. xD
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 04/07/07 - 01:49 am · For: Chapter 8 New help/ monster/ The four fans
Ahh...That is...highly disturbing..
:laugh: The four Naruto fans...Funny
-- RamenFox : That's the point. LOL
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 04/07/07 - 01:44 am · For: Chapter 7 Dora/ Dark hallway/ Tobi
Shite, this story is hilarious, yo.
I laughed so hard at the writings on the door..Ahaha
-- RamenFox : Is it really that funny. When I began to write this I thought people will think I am retarded or something. *looks at the Ruman men* Thanks again!
Name: JustAnotherSoul (Signed) · Date: 04/07/07 - 01:35 am · For: Chapter 5 Akatsuki/ new competition
My favorite moment... Ahaahaha
This is one funny azz story..^___^
"Nejis eyes widen bigger then Tsunade's jugs"
AHAH! OMFG! where do you come up with this stuff?..
-- RamenFox : Hey, thanks! ^_^ I don't know where i get this I just do. Thank you for reading, WOOT!
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 03/07/07 - 11:56 pm · For: Chapter 14 Just read this chapter T_T
update this and narutos talk show or else you shall be punished with my writing and 3 in the morning why am i up
-- RamenFox : I just updated this yesterday. And I am almost done with Naruto's talk show, I just need the perfect ending. I go to bed at 2 in the morning and get up at 2 in the afternoon. xD
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 03/07/07 - 11:48 pm · For: Chapter 14 Just read this chapter T_T
Damn how long is it going to take for that monster to molest Naru-chan? Not that I want him to get molested by that ugly ass thing, it just seems like he should be molested by now. *nods* I feel sorry for all of them. Though I really want to know why Itachi is glaring at Hinata. *nods* Please, Foxy, never talk street again. It scares me. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- RamenFox : Next chapter I will show what the ugly butt is up to. And why it isn't fucking Naruto yet. Sorry I scared you...I will NEVER talk street again...hopefully I will remember this promise.
Name: ohyeah (Signed) · Date: 03/07/07 - 08:22 pm · For: Chapter 8 New help/ monster/ The four fans
how do ou run lazily
-- RamenFox : I...don't...know. Ask Shikamaru. He probably won't respond since he would think it would be troublesome. xD
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 26/06/07 - 10:18 pm · For: Chapter 13 Time to put the plan to action!
Yep I get it! *giggles* Poor Naru-chan...We just like to see his name....Kiba is disgusting...*glares* Baka...Itachi and Sasuke were hilarious! *giggles* Simon....And hey I'm the one making Naru-chan crazy here! No one else! *shakes head, pointing at a contract* See right here, 'A Vampires Butterfly or Violet is the only one allowed to make Naru-chan crazy' all in black and white! *nods* Thanks for once again not making me bored! I can't wait for more! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly (owner of crazy Naru-chan) ^.^
-- RamenFox : LOL! Then i would need your permission to make him crazy. xD Let's make him crazy then!!! YAY UCHIHA'S! Kiba was okay, he's just a perv. >_>...and needs to really use a tissue...
Name: Satoyuki (Signed) · Date: 24/06/07 - 11:04 pm · For: Chapter 12 New help arrives! YAY!
I have to say it: Crazy as hell, but very good. I can't wait until everyone is back together again. I do wonder if Naruto will actually escape.... THE FOUR FANS!!!
-- RamenFox : Thank you. Naruto escaping?....HAHAHA!!! He's screwed.
-- RamenFox : Thank you. Naruto escaping?....HAHAHA!!! He's screwed.
Name: naruto_newbie (Signed) · Date: 22/06/07 - 08:42 pm · For: Chapter 12 New help arrives! YAY!
lol, it's something else...
-- RamenFox : yes, yes it is. xD
Name: naruto_newbie (Signed) · Date: 22/06/07 - 08:34 pm · For: Chapter 11 Whan ants attack!
lol hilarious, good job...
-- RamenFox : thank you!
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 22/06/07 - 04:52 pm · For: Chapter 12 New help arrives! YAY!
*giggles* Ant killers are on the way, Tobi is a complete idiot *smacks Tobi over the head*, and Naru-chan knows how to make many faces! *nods* I love how Tobi called Sasuke, Gaara, Itachi, and Neji Naru-chan's rapists...*giggles* Which is of course true. Great job, Foxy! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- RamenFox : Thanks, Tobi's so funny though. xD
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 20/06/07 - 07:08 pm · For: Chapter 11 Whan ants attack!
Okay this time I am suing you because...*dies laughing* This is...*laughs* too...*giggles* FUNNY!! I love it and I can't wait for more!! I so love Naru-chan's songs, too funny!` Wonderful job! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
-- RamenFox : Nooooo! You're unfair. Naruto sings his fate. xD