Reviews For Autobio
Name: Murphyus (Signed) · Date: 14/10/14 - 09:01 am · For: Chapter 3
I killed my tormenters; tore them apart with my bare hands. the action disgusted me, but they discusted me more. I am not perhaps a good rollmodel.
Author's Response: There is only one person I'd do that to but they're not around me right now and I don't think I'll ever see them again. If I do and they come around me I probably will snap.
Name: Murphyus (Signed) · Date: 10/10/14 - 10:00 pm · For: Chapter 3
it's me again. what kept me sane despite all I endured was the knowledge of what I would never do. that is powerful, and it helps outline the next step, which is figuring out what your going to do.
Author's Response: Down the road, I started looking at the things unfinished that meant the most to me, and decided that before I did anything dangerous I'd finish those things. Right now they're being completed and I feel better but I'm still wondering, what's going to happen when they're over?
Name: Cloud Enix 2 (Signed) · Date: 26/09/14 - 08:46 pm · For: Chapter 3
I have lived in darkness. others share your pain, and there are more ways thann the light.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading, and taking the time to respond. I appreciate it.
Name: Ikkaku Shakuyuki (Signed) · Date: 09/06/14 - 07:58 pm · For: Chapter 2
by hope, I don't mean sitting back and expecting everything to solve itself. some crap will solve it self, but much must be fought for. I define hope as the willingness to go on fighting, or perhaps, the aknoledgement that any foe can be bested.
Author's Response: Ohh. But what if you have things to hope for but you know yourself too well to think that they'll work out?
Name: Ikkaku Shakuyuki (Signed) · Date: 06/06/14 - 07:29 pm · For: Chapter 2
I was in a prety bad place not too long ago; this resonates with me. there is no such thing as a hopeless situation, this I have learned through crushing experiences. I learned how to make darkness my own, rather than becoming owned by it. my own path.
Author's Response: Personally I don't believe in hope, it's distracting. I did that very thing. My situation is my own now and pretty much not under the control of most other influences.