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The Ten Tails by lovinganimetoomuch27

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Chapter notes: So here is another chapter. Hope you enjoy. The next chapter is about her final exam. Its the day she's been waiting for. But things are about to get exciting again. Stay tuned!!
My internal clock wakes me early today, but it was then that I realized, I don’t train today, its against Kakashi’s orders. I don’t know what I am going to do with myself. I finally make breakfast, I haven’t had time to do so in the past. With Kakashi still sleeping I wander the streets alone this early morning. I see an elderly man struggle with his morning get up of opening a shop, I go to help him open the doors. He is beyond his age, but it makes me smile knowing he is still as healthy as can be. He thanks me, and I continue my time alone.

I don’t feel so alone anymore, not like the past. I know I choose to be alone once and a while, and when I go back home, most likely there is someone waiting for me, or I am waiting for someone. Its never been that way, but now that I have the choice of being alone, it doesn’t feel so sad. I see the streets fill with children, one by one making their way to the academy. I watch as they run to school, a smile creeps on my face. Thier happiness no longer brought me envy, just sad memories. Memories of getting pushed to the ground, memories of getting my clothes ripped from catching myself from their shoves, memories of the pain of having my hair pulled. But they are just memories and they’ll eventually fade into forgetfulness. When they are gone, I will not mourn for their loss, it will only lighten the weight on my shoulders.

I see a little girl no older than seven getting pushed to the ground by two other girls. Her brown hair falls from her ponytail. I see tears in her eyes, and the other two girls laugh at her pain. It makes me angry, more angry than I should be. I find myself getting closer to them. I see the little girl wipe her eyes, but the other two girls see me coming and run off. The little girl’s brown eyes are glossy, I kneel in front of her, wanting nothing more than to stop her tears from falling again.

“You’re okay.” I reassure her. She looks up to me, her eyes are guarded, the reflect my eyes.

“Why do they tease me?” She asks me. Like I knew the answer. Her freckles are visible this close. She has a small gap between her two front teeth. I see her hand is scraped from the fall. I grab the bandage I carry in my pouch, and hold it up to her. She nods and extends her right hand to me.

“I don’t know,” answering honestly. I don’t know a lot of things. But seeing her this way makes me remember the way I felt when my father would avoid me. I tried to convince myself that he was always too busy for me, that he was the leader of our small village, but the truth was ugly, and my young mind didn’t want to think of it. I didn’t want to see my father in hard light.

“They tell me, my daddy doesn’t love me enough to stay home. He’s away a lot, he’s protecting the village, but he loves me. I know he does. He works hard, that’s what my mommy tells me all the time.”

I secure the bandage never leaving her glare. “Well I bet your daddy works harder than their daddies. You should be proud of him. He loves you more than you know. Do you know why I know?”

Love? What am I thinking, I don’t know anything about fatherly love. But when I look at this sad child, I want her to believe what I once believed. No matter how distant your father is, he’s always there. I believed that once, but my distance with my father only grew. I told her what she wanted to hear.

Her sad eyes change to curiosity, I pick up her lunch box from the floor and hand it to her.
“If he’s protecting the village, then he is also protecting you. He’s away because he works hard, making sure no one can harm the village or you, and your mommy. Those girls just don’t know what hard work is.”

She finally smiles, she tucks her hair behind her ear, “I want to be like daddy when I grow up. I’ll work hard, just like him!” She exclaims, and takes her lunch box from my hands. She runs off before I can say another word, but there didn’t need to be another word to be spoken. everything was said, and my anger vanished as I saw her skip through the main door. She was a lucky one, born to a hard working and loving father. My father was hard working, but loving, he wasn’t. I imagine myself in her footsteps, how similar our lives could have been. I get up from the ground, dusting my knees in the process.

“You have your ways with children,” I hear Kakashi say from behind. It was embarrassing to know he saw what I had just done. I know little about love, but I imagine it as something beautiful and life changing. I can imagine all I can. I don’t say anything back, I guess I just want children to always feel accepted. I never want anyone to feel the way I did once. The unwelcoming feelings is not an emotion a child should ever feel.

“Since tomorrow is the final challenge, I’ll show you where it will be taking place, and the evacuation area in case of an attack,” He says. I follow him to the Hokage office, but instead of going inside we walk past it. Behind are generators, and staircases along the dirt wall. They are zigzagged up, one ending behind the faces of the hokage, and the other one ends at a door in the wall.

“In case of an emergency, you can come here, either one is fine,” he says.

“But if someone does attack then I want to fight and help.”

“Well in a certain situation we have to hide you. If a certain organization found out who you are, then not only will the village be in danger, but millions of others too.” He doesn’t look at me, he looks at the main entrance, like he’s waiting for someone.

“What organization?” I want to know who else wanted the beast, who else I had to be weary of. The Moon Village and this organization, all they wanted was the beast I hold, and for all I know they want to harm this world.

“I’ll tell you after the final challenge, your mind shouldn’t be full with questions just yet. Your mind should be focused on the battle at hand. A key part in being a successful ninja, is to never let your emotions get the best of you on a mission.”

He nods his head back to the village, before he starts walking. I let him have his way, and follow without question. He then shows me the stadium where I will battle my opponent tomorrow morning. Its closed of course, but it is tall, and large. Enough to hold hundreds of villagers, just thinking about all the eyes that will be on me tomorrow make my heartbeat race. I don’t want to think I’m the type of person that cracks under pressure, but I won’t find out until tomorrow. So much is riding on just one day.

“We’re running low on groceries.” Kakashi says. We make it to the market place, not too far away from the trade post. It is crowded with women, they too must have a family to feed. I grab a bag that is nailed to the wooden post, Kakashi already gabbing tomatoes, and lettuce.

“Wait a second, those are bruised and the lettuce looks a little yellow. Don’t tell me you don’t know how to buy vegetables?” I grab the tomatoes from his hand before setting them down with the pile.

“I didn’t know there was a ‘way’ to buy groceries.”

“Of course there is. You want to get the most of your money, so always look for the freshest and the biggest. Like this one.” I grab a nice vibrant red tomato, I gently give it a squeeze. I can feel it’s juices, it was smooth, not wrinkly, meaning it was fresh. I do the same with the lettuce, clipping off a piece, listening for the crisp break of the leaf. He hands me the vegetables for inspection, they either go back to the shelf or into the bag. He pays for the fruits and vegetables, but I carry them. Its the least i can do, someday I’ll pay him back.
We go to the grain booth, for rice, and the butcher, for meats. We don’t buy much, its only the two of us. We begin to walk back home for lunch. I quietly walk beside Kakashi, there were less people, but I hear someone call Kakashi’s name.

“Oi, Kakashi, Kiyoko! Come and join us for tea and sweet dumplings,” Guy says as he comes out of a small restaurant. Asuma and Kurenai are there too, tea in hand and dumplings in front of them. I smile at him, looking at Kakashi. I don’t know if he wanted to stay, but I didn’t want him to eat lunch alone again. I hear him sigh, but walks to the booth, me in tow. I sit beside Kakashi, setting the bag on the floor.

“So you’re battling tomorrow, I can’t wait to see you out there,” Kurenai says. SHe gives me a smile of encouragement.

“Well if you’re going to be there, then I guess I can’t look bad. I’ll try my best.”

“That’s all we’re asking from you,” Guy says from my side. Asuma takes the cigarette out of his mouth to take a sip of his tea. The waiter comes over to take my order. I stick to green tea and a couple sticks of dumplings. Sweet foods are my favorite. Kakashi sticks to tea, I know he doesn’t like sweet foods. I noticed when I made sweet food, he ate it of course, but never ate seconds. They are little things that I have remembered. The cold breeze made the bells outside ring, and me shiver. The thin sweater I wear isn’t providing enough heat anymore. When the tea does arrive, it warms my cold bones. I have to close my eyes to savor the moment, the tea here is great. A lot better than homemade tea for sure.

“How are Hinata and Kiba? I haven’t seen them in a while, they must be training hard too.” I ask Kurenai.

“Oh yes, Hinata and Kiba have been at it. Especially Hinata. Ever since Naruto left, all she wants to do is train. SHe wants to become stronger than she already is. I worry about her sometimes.” Kurenai, takes a dumpling from the stick. Naruto, there he is again, always pushing the people around him to be a better person, a better ninja. I guess his personality is contagious.

“Well I’ll be there to cheer you on Kiyoko. You can count on my youth to support you.” Guy gives me his smile, and his thumbs up. I smile in gratitude. Though I don’t think his youth will be able to reach me tomorrow. I eat my dumpling in quiet as the others talk about mission they have been on recently. Someday soon I’ll be able to talk to someone about my adventures that I have been on.

I finish my tea and dumplings first, and wait for their conversation to die down. Kakashi and I leave Guy, Kurenai, and Asuma where we found them.

“Let me carry the bag this time,” Kakashi says, as he takes them away from my arms. I don’t have time to complain. We walk back to the apartment, with his hands full I open the door for him. I take my shoes off, and grab the bags while he takes his shoes off. I set them on the counter, and begin to put the groceries in their respective places. It goes quicker with Kakashi helping me. A knock on the door, stops me from putting the rice in its shelf. I go to open the door, and leave Kakashi putting the fruit in the bowl. I open the door to see the bright Eri standing in front of me. She must be about three months along already, her face was just a bit rounder, and her stomach was a bit larger, her pregnancy was beginning to show.

“Well finally. I’ve come around, but no one answers. I was beginning to think you were trying to ignore me,” Eri winks and lets herself in.

“Please come in,” I sarcastically say. She slips off her sandals before heading to the couch. I follow her, Kakashi peeking his head from the kitchen.

“So tomorrow is the big day. I have high hopes for you, so don’t let me down. I’m going to haul my pregnant self to the stadium for you, so don’t lose.” She says. Well that doesn’t add anymore pressure.

“I’ll try not to disappoint you and the baby. Have you thought of names for the baby yet?” I say as I change the subject.

“Ya I have. If its a boy then I want him to be named Ryota. It means strong. He’ll be a strong healthy boy. If its a girl then she’ll be Yasuko, for peaceful child.”

“They are lovely.” I say.

We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about the baby. Where she would give birth. She wanted to give birth at home, but her mother thought it would be safer in the hospital. She talked about all the things she would make her first child. Knitted socks, knitted sweaters, knitted scarves. She had a talent for knitting. And to much surprise, Eri wanted me to be her first child’s godmother. Me, godmother. I almost choked on my own saliva. I knew nothing about being a godmother? What would I do? Babysit the child? Buy him or her things? I guess I can figure things out when the time comes. But I didn’t turn her down. how could I? She asked me, and I felt obliged to agree. So now I’m a soon to be godmother. Eri stays for dinner, she helps me with dinner. Kakashi is in the living room catching on some reading. Time flies when you are busy, because soon enough I find myself saying goodbye to Eri. Kakashi walks her home, as I finally let my head rest on my pillow. Tomorrow is the day.
Chapter end notes: Thanks for reading! Leave me any feedback. Until next chapter!!!
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