Uzumaki puppet pals-bothering sauske by tobisgurl
Summary: If you like potter puppet pals (by neil not me) and naruto (also not by me =[ ) then i made them combineded. yay!
Categories: General Fiction Characters: Sakura Haruno, Maito Gai, Orochimaru, Rock Lee, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Humor
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 358 Read: 2367 Published: 19/07/07 Updated: 20/07/07
Chapter 1 by tobisgurl
Author's Notes:
----------------------uzumaki puppet pals!!------------------


N:hi, i'm naruto
L:and i'm lee!
N:lets go bother sauske

Sas:i am sauske the angsty emo
L:ready lets go bother him!!
L&N:bother bother bother!
S:ah! stop it! stop it!
L:that was fun!
N:i like the part where he stoped moving
L:lets do it again!!
S:oh no
L&N:bother bother bother bother!both-
N:fire ball jutsu!
duh duh duh duh! -dramatic music-
G:hello sauske
S:i-i can explain sir....
G:it seems young Naruto and Lee are taking their afternoon naps
-sauske runs away-
G:lets see what they got in their pockets
-rustle rustle-
G:ah! three coins and a stink bomb! this is my lucky day! now where did sauske go???
more importantly where the hell am i??
naked time (oh god!)
-silly music-

------------------------------The End!-----------------------------
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