The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 19/02/13 - 02:56 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
He's alive!!!!! Sorry, just so happy another Uchiha didn't die. For a time it seemed Shizake's line may be ended *pointed look*.

This was truly a fabulous way to end it. The meeting between Shizake and Kuzake and everyone really touched my heart. It was nice for them to be back, even if just for a short time. And then their talk with the others. Include me with the ones without dry eyes. It was just fabulous.

The cheering also really got to me because of how different it was from the very start. Just another thing that made me want to cry. I'm just so happy for Zuzake and am sad for this series to draw to an end, but it was truly spectacular.

Amazing job, Itoko-san. I loved every second of it.

Author's Response: I'm glad it touched you, thats what I was going for :) Thank you so much for the review and thank you for sticking with the entire series :) I'm really glad you liked it.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 17/02/13 - 10:23 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
What a way to end this story, this was really touching. Seeing Kuzake and Shizake in the mortal realm was really nice to see, and the heartwarming moment of everyone being together was so sweet. This was a great way to end this series of stories, very nice work Shizake-san. It's sad to see it finish but it was a good run nonetheless. Good job!

Author's Response: Thank you. It was fun to type and an enjoyable way to wrap it all up. Glad you stuck with this story all the way through to the very end. And thank you for being the my first 100th review ever!

Name: Hazard (Signed) · Date: 16/02/13 - 04:13 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Great ending to a great story. Couldn't be much more satisfied with it. Excellent story!

Author's Response: Thanks bro! Glad you stuck to the end!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 19/01/13 - 06:14 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Oh my gosh, Itoko-san. Do NOT scare me like that. It's just plain evil. I was afraid that even if Zuzake lived, Sasuke and Sasaui would die, or Zuzake would die and they would live, or all three of them would die. How dare you send me through such a state of terror!

I'm glad that everyone was okay, and the surgery scene was really intense because it could tilt any way you wanted it to. I'm glad it went the good way. Yeah!

Author's Response: Lolol sorry. I wanted to make the surgery as intense as possible. I'm glad you liked it :) Thanks for the review and stick around for the final chapter :D

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 19/01/13 - 09:31 am · For: A Legacy in the Dust
I am FINALLY getting to this. Darn manga distracting me so well.

Anyway, this was a really fantastic fight. I absolutely loved it! Zuzake totally kicked butt and is alive. The only complaint I have is that the reaper thing was abrupt to me, but it may have been mentioned before and I forgot.

Author's Response: yay :) I didn't really know how to explain it at the moment so I guess I will here. Using the reaper's blade requires a certain connection with the grim reaper himself. Using a jutsu to wipe a person's soul out of existance is basically doing his bidding. The more the user uses the jutsu the more closer the blood bond with the reaper becomes. So when Zuzake was fighting the reaper took a hold of him to pass through to the mortal realm. Though Zuzake pushed him back his apparition remained on the battlefield because someone was bound to die that day. I hope that cleared it up :P thanks for the review

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 16/01/13 - 02:01 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust

I was kinda expecting Sasuke and Sasaui to die since they're rather old and gave huge amounts of blood and chakra, but it's pretty nice that they live also, which means everyone is okay :D So soon to finishing up the story, looking forward to seeing how it ends now! Good work Shizake!

Author's Response: :D I thought about killing them off but too many people have already died so I wanted to keep it happy :P Thanks for the review! Now to stick around for one final chapter :)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 06/01/13 - 02:24 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust


Author's Response: ;P

Name: Hazard (Signed) · Date: 05/01/13 - 04:57 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
kick ass battle man, well worth the wait. I can see this is huge finale coming up, and I'm wanting to see what you do with it!

Author's Response: Glad you liked the final fight! Now the wrapping up begins. Thanks for sticking around to the end, through all the stories and what not. Thanks for the review

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 16/12/12 - 10:57 am · For: The Path Each Takes
I planned to do more, but, well, homework and being at a place without internet prevented me from doing so. So, I present you with your birthday present. I remember saying you really wanted one of these, and although I wish I could do more, here is the best I can do. Happy birthday Shizake. To the entire series of The Path Each Takes for being absolutely amazing, bonding the readers to amazing characters to the point I, and I believe Silverwolf, cried with the death of Shizake and where Sasaui Uchiha still lives:

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 03/12/12 - 04:55 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Nice update, even if it's taken me a bit to get to. The fights were really interesting, and Ryoushi finally died. At least he wasn't first like my other character *pointed look*.

I can't wait to see what Zuzake is doing as well, though that will (probably) have to wait until next update.

Author's Response: Thanks :) Hehe sorry about the other OC's. The finale is almost here so be prepared!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 16/11/12 - 07:22 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Yay! A great update! After so long you return with an epic battle! I really liked seeing how everyone was doing, not just Zuzake, you know? Though now I'm curious as to how he's doing in his own battle. It's sad that everyone is only able watch the fight, they're not able to help :(

Nice update, Shizake-san! Looking forward to seeing how you finish this up!

Name: Hazard (Signed) · Date: 15/11/12 - 06:10 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Yay, an update! Glad to see the battle escalating in such amazing fashion!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 11/10/12 - 04:05 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Haha. "I'm getting too old for this." The Hokage was, what, around 70? And he could still fight that well? You can do it, Sasuke. Sorry, that just stood out to me. As well as you nearly giving me a heart attack with Sasaui. She is not allowed to die! I mean, yeah, it was a genjutsu, but it scared the poop out of me.

The battle between Zuzake and Natsuro is going to be sooooo intense. I really want to see how it will all play out. For now, though, I am stuck trying to imagine it.

Great chapter, Itoko-san! I absolutely loved this chapter.

Author's Response: Haha I didn't mean literally too old I just meant he's thinking that he's seen too much fighting and it's time for peace or something like that. Haha I knew that would scare everyone :P But gotta use the good ol genjutsu tricks to her advantage :P Yes it will be so epic especially since I have the final scene all played out in my head already now I have to type it up lol. Thanks for the review, I'm glad you liked it.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 02/10/12 - 06:29 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Jeezus, you almost had me think that Sasaui was actually going to die. Don't do that to me! Scared the crap out of me XP

Anyway, the battle continues! So excited for more fights and epic action. Nice work on this, Shizake-san! Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: I wanted to scare everyone :P Yes it continues and will only get more epic! Thank you for the review :D

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 30/09/12 - 06:27 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Phew. I had been worried someone else had died to save Zuzake. So far everyone is alive, though. Yeah!

This fight just becomes more and more epic. Natsuro is now being hit and Zatsuno is about to help Zuzake kick butt. I am so excited to see more butt kicking!

I can't wait for more, Itoko-san, and great chapter.

Author's Response: I was worrying that you didn't go through with that pledge you talked about but you did go with it :D Yup everyone is still fighting hard. I'm trying to make it the most epic fight scene I possibly can and I hope I am. Thank you for the reviews :)

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 30/09/12 - 05:56 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Wow. I love this. It is just so intense. It is an absolutely amazing chapter that I can imagine perfectly in my mind. So epic! And then you leave it at that...... Itoko-san, you are absolutely horrible. Or, well, you would be, if I didn't already have the next chapter. Yeah! Now I must go and read it!

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked :) Heh I know I had to leave it at that :P Thanks for the review :D

Name: Hazard (Signed) · Date: 23/09/12 - 06:56 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
I Want MOAR, lol. Seriously, I needs me some more epic battles so keep updating man!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 23/09/12 - 10:28 am · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Serious showdown now :D So excited for more action scenes, this fight just keeps getting better and better.

I'm so glad Zuzake didn't die, you had me so worried with that cliffhanger before. Now this is a more epic cliffhanger and it leaves me wanting to see more of this fight.

Nice work on this, Shizake-san!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 18/09/12 - 08:50 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
.... Seriously.... You make us wait this long for an update.... And then you leave it at that?! That's a terrible cliffhanger! That's one of the most effective cliffhangers in the book ever! T_T So upset that I don't know what is happening now! You need to get to writing so I can see where this goes! Zuzake can't die~

Name: Hazard (Signed) · Date: 18/09/12 - 08:17 pm · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Cliffhanger?!?!??!?! I hate youuuuu, but love you at the same time :p Freaking great chapter and I want you to write the next one asap. Do it!

Author's Response: haha yes cliffhanger! Don't worry, with this story I do update sprees so the next one will be out tomorrow. So look out for it! Thanks for the review.

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 01/09/12 - 06:57 am · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Wow. Zuzake finally met Kuzake. Father and so reunite. I wanted to cry. It was just so sweet. It was all three, too, which just added to me want to cry. Haha. I just realized it makes me think of a scene for CS.

So he's off to face Natsuro, huh? Well, if he does, too, I am sending Ryu after you WITHOUT the ring, even if he does hate me using him to threaten people. Oh well *shrugs*. He can deal with it, because I don't want all three of them to have died young saving the Leaf. It's already sad enough with two dead.

Though I am really looking forward to the epic fight scenes. And, well, if Zuzake dies...... It's your story. Gah, now you actually have me half expecting. Or, well, I have myself half expecting it.....

Before I can continue rambling, great chapter, Itoko-san. I can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Ah yes the reunion finally. And it came with a new power. The epic final battle(s) is on the way. Haha I'll be prepared to face Ryu IF the situation arises, but who knows, you'll see ;) Haha you mean the Nine-Tailed Fox village, not the Leaf :P

Name: Hazard (Signed) · Date: 30/08/12 - 11:32 am · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Zuzuke finally met his dad and now he goes to fight Natsuro for his village and freinds! Doesn't get more epic than that, but it sounds like the end...I don't want it to end just yet!lol, good job man.

Author's Response: Don't worry man. A bunch of fights are on the way. The next few chapters will be solid fighting, there are four Aku members remaining :D Thanks for the reivew, and I hope you stay around till the end.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 28/08/12 - 07:21 am · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Aww, Zuzake saw his father! It's about time! Not that I have anything against Shizake, but it's about time Zuzake finally met Kuzake.

And now the epic fight is about to begin, I'm so excited for it. Can't wait for more! Keep up the good work, Shizake-san!

Author's Response: I truly hope you do enjoy the final battle...I'll try to make it as epic as possible. Thanks for the review

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 25/08/12 - 11:15 am · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Wow. This was a really epic chapter. I loved the fight between Doubutsu and Natsuro. It was really amazing, and sheesh, Natsuro has grown strong. I hope he can be dealt with without Zuzake sacrificing himself as well.

And now Sasaui is planning something. Wow, I just remembered she's no longer an Uchiha in TG. I never realized how much I already missed this her. It's nice to see her here, though.

Great chapter, Itoko-san. I can't wait for more.

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 25/08/12 - 10:59 am · For: A Legacy in the Dust
Oh, Sasuke. Listening seems to be an ability you lack. I really hope he can work everything out so that they're not in major trouble. Maybe it would have been better to just make a big underground place to train in. Don't ask. I don't know where that thought came from =_=. Not to mention the fact Aku is on the move...... Well, this ought to be fun.

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