Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 26/12/08 - 03:26 am · For: I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Clause
Auww! I thought that was a nice little Christmas drama flick; especially from such an innocent point of view.
Author's Response: I'm so glad! And I'm very glad that you liked it ^^
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 24/12/08 - 11:47 am · For: I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Clause
I wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy New Year!
That was cute, funny and just plain adorable! Although that last part at the ending... That had me laughing pretty hard I gotta say. Little Hanami, of course, totally doesn't get it!
Really good, fun to read and just a little disturbing X3 Always good!!
Merry Christmas!!
Author's Response: D: I am soooo late in replying... But, who cares... HOPE YOU HAD HAPPY HOLIDAYS! And now I hope you have a great spring XD I'm happy that you liked it!