Reviews For Team Uzumaki
Name: mk (Anonymous) · Date: 24/03/08 - 05:28 pm · For: Return
kk reply when u do make one and make sure u tell me what it is!!!
Name: Keiko Hyuuga (Signed) · Date: 24/03/08 - 06:47 am · For: Return
*weeps* She's dead!!! Couldn't somebody do a I life transfer jutsu or somthing? I'm a die hard Naruhina fan....
Author's Response: me too, but for the purposes of this fic she must die. believe me, this way was best. i wouldn't have the heart to build up her part in a fic just to kill her off. There will be more death in this story, but a happy ending will be present!!! Believe It!!!
Name: mk (Anonymous) · Date: 23/03/08 - 09:13 pm · For: Return
well thats very good for a first naruto fan fic
do u have an account at and if so what is it so i can suscribe and i wont have to keep looking here to see if its done
Author's Response: I don't have an account yet, but i'll probably get one in the next few days