Reviews For Staring You Down
Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 16/06/08 - 10:03 am · For: Evade
seriously weird, I was thinking about this story this morning wishing you'd update lol :] AND YOU DID!
Awesome stuff lol x
Haha, Sasuke Plushie. XD
I want one :0
Update soon!
I'ma wanna see Naruto's reaction!
And see what he does!
And then Itachi will be like...
Well I dunno, cause you havn't told us his plan lols :]
Aw, and Naruto was all like "It felt like the right moment.."
Lols :]
Ima go squeal fangirl style in the corner now lols. :P Bye! xx
Author's Response: teehee thanks. ^_^ I'm about to run off to do my fashion exam (seriously, i have no clue why they're making us do an exam for that class, but *shugs*) and then tomorrow is english exam, then grandparents are coming to visit for a while, so i might not update for a while. *crys* sorry!! but i started working on the most recent chapter, so maybe it shall be up soon! Thanks for teh amazing review! *grins*
Name: Akura (Signed) · Date: 07/06/08 - 04:25 am · For: Prologue
That was sad! Poor sasuke! What did itachi do?! Why was kisame there?! Why was naruto acting all depressed when sasuke said that he loved him?! Why are the fangirls back?! WHAT is going ON?!?!?!?!
Aticipation is killing me for teh next chapter!!!! I can't wait! -^^-
Name: OmgVikiRawr (Signed) · Date: 06/06/08 - 09:01 am · For: Search
GAH this is a really good, but frustrating, story
Damn Itachi, I actually kinda feel sorry for Sasuke
But yeah, awesome story ^^ Hope you update soon x
Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 05/06/08 - 09:48 am · For: Search
hehe, your welcome. *blushes* lol ^__^
Awesome chapter!! *squeals*
I love how you made it all kinda angsty and emotional,
And then you have the second part with the Akatsuki which always makes me laugh XD
Update soon! Wanna see what happens with Sasuke and Naruto!
And see if Itachi gets a cold or not, he really shouldn't stand in the rain like that XD
Author's Response: Itachi getting a cold. hmm, i'll have to remember that. *evil grin* Ya, i have no idea where all the angst comes from... i try to stop it, but it just doesn't work! NOOO! The angst is coming!! lol. well, i guess i'll try to update soon, but with the end of the school year coming to a close, and me needing to get good marks for the "future" i can't make any guarantees.. T_T thanks for the review! ^_^
Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 21/05/08 - 11:39 am · For: Remember
XD Haha. Poor Sasuke! Bless his cottons, x
Write soon! :]
Name: Frosty (to lazy to log on) (Anonymous) · Date: 19/04/08 - 12:26 am · For: Hunt
Itachi is... strange. More obsessed than normal... All he cares about is Sasuke-teme, damnit! DON'T YOU LOVE ME, DADDY? UN! *clings to Itachi*
Itachi: Hn? (Translation: What the hell?)
Me: *runs crying to Naruto* DADDY! Daddy won't pay attention to me... 'tebayo, un...
Naruto: *following Sasuke around*
Deidara: Art is a bang, un!
Me: And you're obsessed with art, un, but at least it isn't Sasuke-teme, yeah... *clings*
Deidara: *making clay Sasuke sculpture*
Me: NOOO! GAARA-KUN! *runs off to find her husband, having given up on her fathers*
Good work. Glad you finally updated.
Author's Response: LOLOLOLOLOL I'm all alone in my house and i'm just siting in the office laughing my head off, and of course the window is open so all the neighbors must be wondering what that bizarre choking sound is (i'm still sick T_T) Anyways, thanks for the review and the good laugh that has dislodged some of the snot in my nose (i know, you did not need to know that, but whatever ^_^) Well, the next chapter should be coming up shortly! ^/_\^ (Itachi *grin*)
Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 29/03/08 - 02:25 pm · For: Run
Heh. I'm liking this. :] Lol
And I like strawberrys and whipcream. *Grins* Yoom!
I have this feeling that Sasuke's going to get back to Konoha.. and Naruto's gonna be like "wtf teme? we where never together?" and then he'll be like ZOMG IT WAS ITACHI ALL ALONG *sweat drop* and then he'll be like NOOOO. and then he'll kill itachi marry Naruto have ickle baby Uzuchiha's running round causing trouble.. but being really cool about it... >.>
Author's Response: ahh.. wonderful head you've got there ^_^ Although i doubt that sasuke can be cool if his little kid punches him in the balls (well, i'm sure naruto's kids would do that, even to their own father. ) Well i do have this story all planned out, so you'll just have to wait and see. Here's a cookie for the review!! (or your favourite naruto character covered in whipped cream and strawberries ^_^)
Name: Frosty (Signed) · Date: 25/03/08 - 11:15 pm · For: Run
"made me instantly cheerful"
Sasuke? CHEERFUL? Do you have ANY idea how very DISTURBING this is? The end of the world is nigh!
Other than that? Good. Interesting. Update soon.
Author's Response: haha. good point. I mean as cheerful as sasuke can get. Which is like i slight raise of eyebrows i suppose. :P well, he had just stabbed himself, so i guess anyone can be cheerful after that. Updating soon! THANK-YOU FOR THE REVIEW ^_^
Name: kurisuchin45556 (Signed) · Date: 25/03/08 - 05:15 pm · For: Run
ohhhh, that's not good, what in gods name did you do to sasuke! NaruSasu fics are good when they're together, you seriously need to get those two to meet up again.
Author's Response: ahh but they will. ^_^
Name: Frosty (Signed) · Date: 19/03/08 - 09:34 pm · For: Hurt
It's... okay. Not great. Not bad, though. Not bad at all. Please continue your rapid updates, I appriciate them. Was to lazy to reveiw before. Gomen.
More line breaks will make it last longer.
Author's Response: Ya, i was updating fast before because i wasn't doing my homework for my online class. So, i might not be able to update so quickly anymore. Yes, line breaks are good. Will work on that. ^_^