Reviews For Their Love
Name: Tara (Signed) · Date: 22/12/07 - 07:03 pm · For: Hidden Love
OMG dude I cried at the end of that one great job!!! ;_;
Name: Tara (Signed) · Date: 22/12/07 - 02:05 pm · For: Forbidden Love
lol way tobeat the minimum word count, well since you worked directly off of the poem (yes I am the actual author of it) which you did great on I think Sasuke's point of view might be nice.
Name: MurderScene__ (Signed) · Date: 18/12/07 - 08:04 pm · For: Forbidden Love
That was sad. A bit short, though. But then again.. I think if it had of been any longer the story would have been ruined. Good job, even if Gaara had to die. >_>
Author's Response: Ya...sorry but its how i saw it ending..but im making another one, same story, but from Sasukes point-of-view!
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