The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11990
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: SabakuKyuut
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: MishaTenko (Signed) · Date: 26/01/12 - 09:47 pm · For: Following the Rules
Read this story years ago. Still love it.

Author's Response: Hahaha, and here I am, answering this forever later as well! I'll stand by my opinion about this though.... I don't like this story very much anymore! XD It was the first story I wrote, so I'm kind of iffy about it now. =P But still, I'd like to thank you for leaving me a review! I appreciate the support!

Name: rokubinosukanku (Signed) · Date: 10/02/09 - 02:39 am · For: The Battle We've Won
Oh jii-- i know you would never betray my trust of your angst!
And eventhough you DID plan to made the ending vague,I couldnt help the feeling of dissapointed for it not made much more clear about Naruto's death-AUCH!! *been hits by some angry mob*
Hey! Thats the way i want to see the end! Sorry,duh!
Nope,im not dislike Naru. I LOVE HIM!

Author's Response: *gurgles* I always seem to die a bit inside when someone leaves a review on this awful story. XD I do hate it, y'know?rnrnBut alright, I congratulate you on finish this story! Hopefully you found this--err, I can't even bring myself to say "good" because I know it isn't. LOLrnrnAnyways, thanks still for leaving me a review!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 23/03/08 - 05:20 pm · For: The Battle We've Won
This was realy good. I didn't to much like the ending though cause Naruto died in my mind leaving sasuke all by himself and all the viligers happy as hell and the Uchiha clan dying out but it was still good. Cant wait to read more of your stories. Hopfully none of them that are this long.

Author's Response: If this is too long for you, then I do write shorter stories.

Name: sakuyalove (Signed) · Date: 19/02/08 - 11:10 pm · For: The Battle We've Won
Awwww. You killed Naruto!
Well thanks for ending it anyway, I hate when someone just leaves a story without finishing it.

Author's Response: Well now, whenever did I say that I killed Naruto? /I/ never said it... XDDDrnrnThanks so much for sticking through with this entire thing! I appreciate your support very much.

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 19/02/08 - 02:52 pm · For: The Battle We've Won
'kay I'm done now ^^' when I first read this. I had to read and re-read it several times to check if my brain was functioning properly. I took a few moments and then I practically fell to the ground sobbing. BUT! I did restrain from doing so! (I did, however, shed a tear) And I can't believe you thought this story was horrible! maybe it just seemed that way because it was longer than your other fics? But either way I loved it! In so many other stories they have the most happy ending you could imagine! and having such a seemingly sad ending like this was a big, but not entirely unwelcome, change! In fact, I usually despise angst to the ends of the world! But how could I ever despise something that was written so wonderfully?! and thankfully the whole village didn't magically accept them right away! That would seem very cliche. but this ending...Definitely not what I expected! and still you force us to think! That's what a writer should do! ^^ and you absolutely have given us something big to think about...The ending could go in so many different ways...and the bell...*sigh* there are so many different meanings for that bell! and I don't think I could name a single one in words! (not the right words anyway) sometimes is doesn't pay to be a novice...your beta-reader must be very intelligent. I congratulate her as well! It must have been very hard to stick with this story for so long! and to help with it too! and even thought this is the end of a very great story I do hope that it's not the last I hear from you! Thank you so much for sticking with it and not giving up even though you hated it! Arigato gozaimasu! ♥


Author's Response: No, I don't dislike this story because it is longer than most of my stories (lol, they're all oneshots for crying out loud. XD) but the fact that the ending was very badly written and the overall plot as well as the writing style was quite terrible too. As you find out, after chapter 12, everything was changed on a last-minute plan, so I wasn't prepared for that.rnrnBut I'm glad that you liked the angsty ending. I hate it when it's all like, "AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER--even though they just went through a bajillion things that could have made them mortally depressed for the rest of their lives. :dorky laugh:" So I went off on a darker tangent. Though some didn't like it so well.rnrnMy beta-reader is the BOMB. She is so much awesomer than me, it's insane! That's why I love her though, crazy Nadra. We work together as a good team.rnrnThanks so much for reading this more than once and taking the time to review each and every chapter! I really appreciate that, and I will be looking forward to get more reviews from you! And of course, I'll be working slowly but surely to bring you guys the best stories I can crank out at the moment.

Name: cubuu love 99 (Signed) · Date: 19/02/08 - 01:27 pm · For: The Battle We've Won
I love this Story and the ending was amazing ^_^ :-o-:
Love your fan, cubuu love 99

Author's Response: Thank you for reading this entire story and leaving me a review! I'm very glad you liked it, and I appreciate that!

Name: Marija (Anonymous) · Date: 12/02/08 - 02:08 am · For: The Scalene Triangle
Thankyou for this wonderful fic, i cant wait to read more!!!
Really i love this!!
=) keep it upppp!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad that you liked this. One last chapter and I'm done with posting this up! Phew! Thank you for reading and reviewing! I appreciate it!

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 10/02/08 - 07:24 am · For: Ah! The Domino Effect!
May i just say...i loved the fox part! it was just so adorable!! one of the cutest things i have ever read! and a very interesting way to introduce the new naruto! i wish that little fox was mine...the way you described that little moment was incredible! it had me wanting to hug my screen! i was awwing the whole time! and i probable looked like an insane sasuke fangirl ^_^ that's just the way i am with foxes! and you just made me love them even more! and i always suspected that kabuto was giving him some sort of drugs to forget about his past! sakura already said that sasuke was probably given drugs to make him stronger in the series! so this fits pretty well. sasuke kills oro, yay! and now he can continue with his insanity! poor naruto...figures he has to fall for a psychopath...oh well! things will get better! or possibly worse...and then better! either way i love the detail! it's so hard to find a greatly detailed story these days! and yours is very fluffy and angsty as well! thats perfect for me! i love angst! ...i wish i could go into more detail...but sadly...I'm a moron who doesn't know a lot of i guess you'll just have to settle for my mediocre reviews! hope you have an awesome day!


Author's Response: Whaa, you'll even settle for the fox even though its obviously not very tame and a bit violent? XD Man, you must be really brave. I don't know if I could get along with such a feisty little creature!rnrnMmn, for me, I never ever thought that Orochimaru and Co. would give Sasuke drugs to forget about his past. Obviously, Sasuke just lacks emotions anymore (Yeah, right. He sure seems pretty full of emotion these past few manga chapters...). I'm pretty sure he's drug-free (Who am I kidding?)!rnrnOh, goodness, don't berate yourself like that. My vocabulary is pretty limited too, so no worries!rnrnThanks for your awesome enthusiasm! I really love you for that!

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 18/01/08 - 11:18 am · For: Because I Need to Protect You
YAAAY!!! i get to review again!!! YOSH! i love reviewing XP especially if its a story i absolutely ADORE! and this one is special to me! it will always hold a special place in my heart! even if you deny it brilliance! but since its your story i will be more than willing to bash it XD but i will do it with a heavy heart if i ever do! hmmmm...still love narutos foxiness! i loved the part where jaraiya knocked him out of bed! i laughed so hard....but mentally....i ALMOST laughed out loud...but i had to keep quiet because someone was still in bed at this time of day! it was hard to keep it in though! i had tears at the corners of my eyes! and....and.....Naruto-kuns leaving!!! and the moment he and with sasuke was simply adorable! that little bell collar will be with them until the end wont it? and that just makes it even more heart wrenching! its like a symbol of what they have been through together! its always been there since the beginning! and it will be there till the very end! *sob* sorry got caught up in the moment...but yes its all to sweet and emotional. and it leaves me craving more! more i say! ^__^ i luvs this so much! and i agree with you totally on the updating system you worked out! if you posted it all at once you wouldn't get many reviews! mostly because they would go on and read the rest of it instead! and then just review on the last chapter! so this works out better doesn't it? so I'll cut this review right now and wish you luck on future fics! and hopefully you'll like those more yourself! can't wait to read more! and review! *loves*


Author's Response: :D Still so enthusiastic! I'm glad! But I'm still really hoping that you'll find another one of my fics to keep in a special place! You make me feel so embarrassed whenever you say such good things about this! And not in the most particularly good way either! T__T I really do hate this story!rnrnOops, I do hate it when I burst out laughing randomly. Especially when there are people in the room. I always get the weirdest looks from them! X__x But I'm pleased that it was funny enough to make you that happy!rnrnWaah, so much foreshadowing! But be careful not to give out too many spoilers! That wouldn't make the story fun for the other people!rnrnOkay then, thanks again and again for reviewing each of my stories!

Name: Sakuranzu (Signed) · Date: 17/01/08 - 10:49 pm · For: Because I Need to Protect You
haha admit it, you lied to your reveiwer! jk
I originally hadn't thought the story would turn out to follow the show as much as this chapter did. You're doing a great job though. It's more tweaking your story than tweaking the Naruto storyline.

Author's Response: DD: When did I lie? I don't even remember when I lied! But then again, I have a pretty bad memory (just ask my beta-reader, she's quite familiar with my air-headedness!) so I really don't know what you're referring to as of right now. I really wish TONFA had a better way of communication rather than just simple reviews. I find it to be a bit inconvenient at times!rnrnI'm sure you've read ahead since last time, and you still seem to be okay with the plot, but I seriously haaate this fic sooo much. I just want to trash this thing, but everyone is so happy about it (except for only a few! ONLY a few? Blasphemy!) and the only way to keep track of my improvement is to keep this up. But ARGHS, the ending was quite disappointing to me! :sighs: Ah well. As long as everyone else is fine with it! Hahaha.rnrnAgain, thanks much for all the support!

Name: Sakuranzu (Signed) · Date: 14/01/08 - 02:31 am · For: Following the Rules
If you've finished it at, why do you only update once a week :O ?!

and your link is broken D:

Author's Response: 'Cause I'm super evil like that. XDDD No, it's just because I know that if I post it all online, people might not be as willing or patient as to reviewing each new chapter. Even though this is finished, it's still nice if people are willing to point out some mistakes or such from each chapter for me. I need to know what I did badly on this before, so even now I can improve.rnrnAnd indeed the link is broken! I wish I learned of this earlier so I could have fixed it much sooner! Thank you for telling me that! I've changed it now.

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 13/01/08 - 04:55 pm · For: Surprise, surprise!
>_< dam yuuuuuuuu

Author's Response: DDDX Sadness overwhelms me! *laughs* I hope you'll like the next chapters then!

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 13/01/08 - 04:14 pm · For: Surprise, surprise!
noooo!!!!! cliffy!!!! luckily i can read it 'elsewhere' *snickers* im so smart...well moving on. i loved it! and poor naruto! itachi is a cold hearted bastard for exiling him! and my thoughts about having naruto being human......*happy dances* WOOOOOOooooooh! that makes it one more obstacle in the way of sasuke and naruto down! but i still love his ears and tail X3 its just so cute! and im so happy now! every time i feel depressed i find your story and start reading! and it always leaves me feeling refreshed! like after you take a nice shower! and even though you think thats its a failure, i will continue to tell you that it isnt! because of you think you could have done better it just means you have so much more room to grow! and honestly, you have a lot more potential than me right now and are very much talented. and if this is bad i would love to see (and have a seizure over) your good stories! and i have! and i just makes my head turn to mush whenever i read them too! i have fallen in love with your writing style! i would ask you to marry me but im afraid of being rejected, so I'll just have to settle for being a faithful reviewer! wish i could find more to say but im sad to say i dont have the brain capacity. so until next time!!! ♥ ~lemon

Author's Response: Haha, I have no idea why you're being so secretive about my other accounts on and LJ, since they're right on my page. Well, anyways, whoever reads my responses to reviews now know that they can go to somewhere else for the remainder of this (crappi) story!rnrnI keep getting the feeling that you are giving this fic waaay more credit than it should. I seriously think that there are better stories out there, and that my more recent fics surpass this by a landslide, but as long as you like it, I'm glad!rnrnBy the way, my writing style is so schizophrenic, I can't recognize it half the times. I'm happy that you're willing to stick around for my crazy style!rnrnWow, this is like, the second time I've been proposed to/ offered to have babies with. As weird as that sounds, I'm actually happy that people like my writing/art that much, really!rnrnYou write really long reviews for me already, and I really appreciate your willingness to spare so much time and effort in reading and reviewing my stories! I hope that you will stick around for a long time to come!

Name: Sakuranzu (Signed) · Date: 12/01/08 - 10:14 pm · For: Surprise, surprise!
hurrayz! I have knowledgible explainations of my previous confuzzlement xD

Obviously there is more to know with that cliffy, but i'm just happy that you made a new chappie! thnx =^_^= *chyuu~*

Author's Response: Actually, the cliffhanger isn't all that much. It's not like it'll be too much info after this. Behold, my crappi attempt to piece broken puzzles together in order to make it work! And it didn't do that well to the end. XDrnrn(I've finished this story a looong time ago, so if you want to read the rest, you can find it on my fanfic account. The link is on my userpage)rnrnThanks for reading and reviewing this! I'm glad that you like this so far!

Name: Molly Lullabye Fox (Signed) · Date: 09/01/08 - 03:19 am · For: Information Overload
awesome story, i really love it, i hope you update soon, i'm looking forward to it

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you like this so far! I usually (not really) update on Sundays, but I always forget, so sorry in advance! I keep getting sidetracked and never get around to putting the next chapter up until the middle of the week. XD Thanks for reading!

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 06/01/08 - 10:34 am · For: Information Overload
*choke* Omg! i loved that! this chapter my favorite part was when sakura remembered the little kiss sauke planted on naruto's cheek! that part was soooo cute! and again kudos to you for making the story fit into the manga! i loved all the little memories they had! well im pretty much brain dead right now so thats all i can write for now but i cant wait to read and review on the next chapter! love it! ♥ ~lemon

Author's Response: Nyanyanya, my beta-reader actually didn't like how much I stuck to the plot, so, as you can see, the chapters deviate a lot after this. I STILL hate this story very much! XDrnrnThanks for taking so much time to read this (and re-read it) then reviewing! I really appreciate your support!

Name: Sakuranzu (Signed) · Date: 06/01/08 - 08:11 am · For: Information Overload
dun...dun...dun...I'm still confused xD oh well I'm sure the next chappie will reveal...something? lol gj update soon

Author's Response: Don't worry about it, everyone got confused during this chapter. It's not "information Overload" for nothing, y'know? XD As for the next chapter... I suppose you'll just have to wait and see!rnrnThanks for reading and reviewing!

Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 06/01/08 - 12:37 am · For: Information Overload
Oh god *flails*

Stop making me crazy~~ This fic is too good! I can't wait for the update!!

I can't even think of anything interesting to put in the review so I guess...yeah...Thanks for the great read :D


Author's Response: Haha, that's okay. I still appreciate the review very much! I'm glad you like this so far! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 28/12/07 - 09:48 am · For: Trapped in Hell and Memories
heh heh I kinda found your other site ^-^ and I'm happy to say I'm glad I did! and I loved reading this chapter again! It also makes me respect you even more because you don't make the whole story centered around the smut! (even though I love the smut) but Its just so creative! and I love how you build on their relationship so much! I think my favorite part of this chapter would have to be how Sasuke fed Naruto by forcing the food down his throat using his own mouth! That was so sweet! (and kinda sexy) and it's so sad that no one can truly accept the fact that they love each other for who they are and not WHAT they are. This story is definitely an example of what love truly means! it doesn't matter who you are as long as you love that person and are willing to do anything to be with that person! This story so says that! And its such a heart breaking tale too! T-T I wont even begin to mention the feelings I had when I read the ending! but I will as soon as you update that chapter on this site! But again I love the emotion that is expressed in this fic! Have you ever considered becoming a writer? because this story is a lot better written than some books that I've read. Way more detailed and has one heck of a plot! Well, love it and can't wait to read and review the next chapter! bye-byes for now! ~lemon

Author's Response: Hahah, you're so enthusiastic! You've told me before that you've found my other sites. I'm STILL surprised at why people don't just go there to find the ending, but meh. XDrnrnI'm glad that you liked this story's ending, even though I thought that this story is basically a FAILURE. It sucks SO much that I couldn't care less of what people say about it. Strangely enough, many people liked it! Weird. I can only hope that my future works won't be as cruddy as this one though! Hahaha.rnrnAgain and again, thanks for being so patient and reading my stories (Sometimes twice!)! I really appreciate your support!rnrnBy the way, I think I want to be more of a mangaka than a writer right now. Though I am considering both options! Too early for me to decide still!

Name: Miss (Anonymous) · Date: 28/12/07 - 04:34 am · For: Trapped in Hell and Memories
OMG ! I loved this chapter !!!!! They finally met again !!! >_<
And ?! did they meet before ? When ? Why ?! What does it mean ?!
aaaaaah can't wait to see what's gonna happen next ! Even if Itachi's reaction is a very bad omen !!!! T T
I hope the end won't be too dark and sad ... ( I cry very easily so I think I would drown if your story doesn't end well ... xD )

Anyway , can't wait to see the next !!!! Thanks again for sharing ! >_<

Author's Response: Aw, now I can't just tell you everything! That'll spoil the story for you! Just be patient and see what happens! Only, what is it, six more chapters? This is chapter 11, isn't it? Well, I lose track. XD Thanks for the review!

Name: Noleta (Signed) · Date: 27/12/07 - 04:39 pm · For: Trapped in Hell and Memories
Wow....extreme cliffy

Author's Response: Hahah, sorry about that. Cliffhangers are fun to write, but not necessarily fun to read, huh? XDrnrnThanks for leaving a review!

Name: S (Anonymous) · Date: 27/12/07 - 02:57 pm · For: To Be Needed
MORE more more, so brill!

Author's Response: Ah man, I forgot to put up the next chapter again! Sorry! I'll get on that right now. XD

Name: puchan_nanoda (Anonymous) · Date: 15/12/07 - 08:00 pm · For: To Be Needed
yay! u updated finally ^0^

Author's Response: Sorry for being late! I keep forgetting! Thanks for being patient with me!

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 12/12/07 - 03:10 pm · For: To Be Needed
le gasp! will naruto die! i hope not! i like how you sorta followed the original story line but you spiced it up a little with your own style! that just makes it all the better! this fic is definitely unique! it has its own rythm and seems to have a melody all its own! and i didnt feel lost once during the battle scenes! usually i do but you kept me interested AND kept me along with it! it also had me in the edge of my seat the whole time! there are no words that can possible explain the extreme joy that i have each time that i read one of your chapters! the whole time i have this stupid expression on my face that my friends keep trying to find a particular name to define it ^^; well i cant wait to read another great chapter to this wonderful fic! arigatou and goodbye for now! ~lemon

Author's Response: I'd hate to disappoint you, but after chapter 12, the plot drastically changes and goes downhill. The reason behind that is because I got a lovely beta-reader to help me out and we discovered that my original plot wasn't going to be all that great. The style of writing and the overall flow of the story gets quite rushed after that. I hope that you won't hate it afterwards!rnrnI don't even remember this chapter anymore, but I'm glad that you liked it! I really suck at fight scenes though, so I'm a bit amazed that you were able to even understand it at all! XDrnrnAlrighty then, until the next chapter, huh? Thanks again!

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 12/12/07 - 03:00 pm · For: So Scared
omg that was so mean! itachi you stupid bastard! gomen, gomen but it was just so cruel! you had me almost crying for naruto! i love this story so much i love how its all so well written! the detail and the creativeness! oh and i kinda cheated and read ahead else where on your story...heh heh...but every time i see it on here i just HAVE to read it again! thats how much ive fallen in love with it! well off to read the other chapter (again) so jaa ne for now! ~lemon

Author's Response: S'okay if you went ahead. I mean, it's been done and over now for a long while. It's just surprising to me why people don't bother to look at my profile and check it out on my some other sites! XDrnrnThanks as usual!

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