The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Demons mating

Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 27/10/07 - 11:01 pm · For: Chapter 1
Just one note about butterflying fingers...

If I remember right, it's done like this: they use a wooden device to clamp on where the fingers join the knuckle. It's pretty painful, and puts your hands out of commission for quite some time, if not permanently impair them.

Of course, there are other, more brutal ways of torture... (like nailing wedges between your fingernail and your finger) They are incredibly gruesome, and it's not a good sight. Personally speaking, they (and the sadism they represent) revolt me.

Man... how do I know all these things? Sometimes I think it's better if I didn't know... it's sickening. Plus, it just shows how inhumane human beings can be.

Pardon my rant. It's just... damn...

Author's Response: That is not the butterflying I've heard about. The one I am talking about is the one where your fingers are cut from the palm to the tip, usually the bones are sawn in the same way. I as well am very revolted by such torture.rnDon't worry about your 'rant'. I like to see that I am not the only person in this world that sees how humans can be cruel and selfish. I am accustomed to people telling me things such as 'If it happened to them, it is because they deserved it.' or 'It is not as bad as it looks.' As for the word 'inhuman', it was invented by humans to characterize behaviour that was not noticed in human beings. Torture is not inhuman, it is the chore of humanity. We all torture, would it be with words or physically, therefore we are all guilty and should bear the sin of our whole specie.rnI am sorry for the coldness of the answer, however I am happy to see that at least some people of that specie are disgusted by the hypocrisy and cruelty humans display.

Name: doggie ninja (Anonymous) · Date: 17/09/07 - 06:09 pm · For: Chapter 3
I deffinetly will review the future chapters!!! BELEIVE IT!!YEAH!! =^_^= hehe!

Author's Response: If you do so, I will love you till the end of times! DATTEBAYO!

Name: doggie ninja (Signed) · Date: 13/09/07 - 07:22 pm · For: Chapter 3
I really like this story. PLEASE write more. PLEASE ^_^

Author's Response: I really like you! PLEASE review to each upcoming chapter. PLEASE^_^

Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 25/08/07 - 10:12 pm · For: Chapter 1
Heh. Don't mean to sound awkward or anything, but I just have to say... I appreciate your attitude about those things that people would like to ignore or hesitate to talk about. I feel the same way. I don't think I'm any good at writing about them, though. I'm glad that there's someone like you around who's willing to talk about those things.

Author's Response: You do not sound awkward at all. You encourage me a lot. Most of the people categorize me as a very crude and primitive person because I always tell without any kind of veil what I am noticing in the world. Very little people appreciate my way of being very frank, and it gets me in trouble quite often. However, I consider it as being a lie if a reality is not told as it happened. I am sure you would write about it very well if you do your best not to drown the truth in stupid, uncomprehensible words. I am very glad that there is somebody like you that thinks I am not a freak. I am sorry I haven't responded to this review earlier but my computer was being very mean to me. Sorry.

Name: TTM (Signed) · Date: 25/08/07 - 05:52 pm · For: Chapter 3
Hoy! Another good chapter. I really like this series, and there were less word and tense errors in this one.

You've done some serious research into criminal organisations I see, I like the detailed background of the Russians you gave. And by the way, I've drank Stolichnaya Elit myself :)

Nicely done.

Author's Response: Woah! Thank you! I am doing my best not to screw too much up when writing. What is strange is that I fluently speak English however do not write it that well! Well, let's say that Black Lagoon plus a cultivated mother and internet give you quite a few hints on how mafia works. For example, Russian mafia is most of the time constituted of mercenaries when Italian is a family stuff. As for Yakuzas, if I understand well, it is an affair of hierarchy. Old samurai clans that have lost their fortune with the Meiji era have gotten themselves together and created that kind of organization. They never ripped of the poor ones. Most of the time they were clans that dragged in their serving clans. rnYou have tasted Stolichnaya? So how is it? I have drunk some Kremlin before it became illegal. You know what is really fashionable and that according to the critics is the best vodka ever, the most expensive as well as 750 ml costs 120$? That new Scottish vodka named Diva. You should try if you like good vodka. Even if I have a little preference for the Imperia vodka. Winter wheat and glacier water rocks.rnThank you so much for the reviews

Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 25/08/07 - 01:26 pm · For: Chapter 3
Don't put yourself down. I like the fact that you can talk about something so dark and shady without batting an eye. The level of detail you use is... engrossing. People may like to shirk away from the subjects you're talking about, but with the way you write, you can keep them glued to the story and wanting more.

Excellent job. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Thank you very much for your sweet reviews, they encourage me a lot to keep on writing. I think that all those dark and shady subjects as you say are the ones that are the most worthy to be treated. It is ridiculous to think that by not talking about them, they woul disappear. Incest, rape, bullying, gun-fights, all that exists. We would love for it not to, but what can we do against it? Not a lot of things but sensibilizing our entourage about them, and that will certainly not occur if nobody writes or talks about it.

Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 18/08/07 - 10:28 pm · For: Chapter 2
Very violent world I'm witnessing here. I've seen this style in action through your friend and her sister, and from what I can tell, you have your own unique form of the style, and you have talent when it comes to it. Very nice.

I've heard that the difference between guys and girls is that guys'll kill you while girls'll make you wish you were dead. But, either way, mess with the wrong person, you'll end up six feet deep. It's usually the ones that understand this and don't give a f*** about it that are the most dangerous.

Butterflying his fingers, huh? That's a painful method of torture (although if I remember correctly, it isn't that gruesome, unless you're talking about another torture method).

Anyways, can't wait for an update!

Author's Response: You think that Tane and Lavender Sky’s styles are violent?! Waoh! I think that they are so fluffy that it makes you puke! You are saying I have a unique form of style?! You are so sweet! Most of the time, people that read our respective texts say there is no difference in style. According to everybody around us we are absolutely writing in the same way. It is a little insulting. You are so sweet to think I have talent in whatsoever touches writing! I mean compared to you or to TTM I am mediocre, but still I will accept the compliment, thank you very much! And yes there are a lot of differences on how girls or boys will proceed. It is easier to deal with a boy because he does have a conscious when committing acts, however we girls are a little bit more difficult. A boy hits while a girl will find the weakness, study her victim and bounce when she is sure to win. A boy is most of the time physical and fast. MOST of the time. Before getting physical, a girl will torment her scapegoat. And finally when she decides its time for her to finish her work, she will gather her friends around her victim and prove to be the cruelest monster that exists. Girls make you wish you are dead, if you are lucky you will commit suicide, if you aren’t, they will take care of you by themselves. I am talking about bullies here, not normal girls bitching. You can recognize a bully by the fact that the girl could attack a boy as well, when a boy never attacks a girl in that way. He can be all bitchy or attack her in other ways, but I haven’t yet heard of a girl that has been beaten to death by boys because they didn’t like her family or the way she was dressing. Most of the time when a girl was beaten to death by boys, it’s because they did something to her before and didn’t want for it to be spread around. Girls will just destruct you for fun. I know what I am talking about. Most of the bullies do not realize they are being cruel. In fact they say it’s only a game or that it’s there right to do such things. It is really sadistic.rnButterflying is to saw fingers from the tip to the knuckle right? Well that’s what my Canadian friend told me. Or maybe didn’t I understand well!rnMe neither I can’t wait for another update to see how long I will keep my dear readers satisfied!rn

Name: TTM (Signed) · Date: 18/08/07 - 07:29 pm · For: Chapter 2
It's nice to see you've continued to write at such a quality level, it really helped to sell the world you've created. I'm especially fond of the brutality of the Headmaster's office, setting the tone for her stay. Well done.

-- Byouma : You are very nice to say my writing is good, however compared to yours I could be ranked in the mediocre ones. Even Jane Austen sucks compared to you! Yeah, the headmaster's office is the torture cave. In that school, harsh treatments are as random as are eating and breathing. Thank you for your review, I am so happy!

Name: TTM (Signed) · Date: 18/08/07 - 07:10 pm · For: Chapter 1
With the graphic violence in here I assumed it would be already -__-'

In regards to the lack of reviews, I myself have the same problem even though my Fic is close to 70 000 words. If you are interested I discussed this with Swords_and_Bandages in a help topic he's running. You can find it in his work as a Round Robin, and can ask your own questions if you like.

As for the tense and grammar errors, don't worry about it too much. For someone who doesn't write in English as a primary language you're doing well. Um... any timeframe for an update?

-- Byouma : Hehe! Sorry! However I think that a fifteen-year old already know a lot about sex and violence so I do not see why a fic like mine should be rated 18. For me everything that goes from rape to very, very harsh sex should be put in 18. However anything else, no! You are writing a KibaHina which is not a very popular pairring however your writing style is great. You are an amazing writer. In fact, I think that with Swords_and_Bandages, you are the best writer on this site. I am sorry to be so harsh but there are very little good writers on this site I know about, yet you are one of them. I should definitely read that help topic. You are so sweet about my grammar errors. You are not like my British friends that laugh their freaking asses off when they read my stuff. For my updates, I would say a week for summer, and for school, maybe a month at best, I have a very important year-long project to realize and it's in writing so I have no idea when I will be able to update my story. Sorry! Thank you so much for your review, I am really grateful.

Name: TTM (Signed) · Date: 17/08/07 - 07:40 am · For: Chapter 1
Wow. You're a very descriptive writer, something I don't see a lot of. It's good to see, outside of my own work :)

It's a stark, brutal world you're portraying here. And I like it. Congrats on a well written chapter (although the occasional word seemed to be in incorrect tense, but that's the only fault I can find), and I hope to hell you'll continue writing ;)

-- Byouma : I am happy you like harsh treatments because my fic is only about that. Once you will discover what Konoha gakuen is all about you will understand ... For the verb tense errors ... shame on me I chose French as a second language instead of English, I had the choice and the dumbass I was chose French. Everybody speaks in English and I choose French, can you imagine how unintelligent I am?! Anyways, sorry about that. Thank you so much for your review. It seems my fic isn't very popular so each review is very precious especially when it is as sweet as yours! Do you think I should change my rating and put it on R18? Would allow me to be even more brutal ...

Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 11/08/07 - 06:47 pm · For: Chapter 1
Well, by stint I meant something like a period of time you spend in the institution. It can also be a period of time spent in an organization or whatever (e.g. a stint in the army).

Now, to the issue of what your friend (who goes by the name of Tanegawari on here, if my memory still serves me correctly) is saying- I just can't accept the honor of being called brilliant and psychic. I'm not psychic- just a good guesser. I don't think I'm brilliant, either- there are some really good writers on this site, and I doubt my stories are on par with theirs. But, thanks anyways.

-- Byouma : Yes, it is Tanegawari. Here goes what I think: I think that by psychic, she meant you were not a good guesser, but somebody that could understand the psychology of a person through what she writes. Because I know that she is sure that a writing is a reflection of one's soul. She just finds it marvellous that you can seize her train of thoughts. She feels like you comprehend her because you can grab the messages left throughout her story. I think that is very important for a writer, especially for Tanegawari. I know it, we were raised together. As for you being brilliant, again if a story is a reflection of your soul, you cannot say it is not brilliant. It would be like diminishing the value of your spirit, of what you defend in your writing. You cannot compare a soul to another, that is why you cannot compare your style to another one's. There will always be somebody to prefer your work to those you call good writers. Just don't try to compare yourself, because you will always feel lesser than those you look up to. That is the human nature. I do not mean by that that you are lying, nothing like that. Just for her maybe, you are somebody brilliant. The perception you have of your stories maybe is different than the one she has of them. I have no idea how your stories are, haven't read any yet. Should come soon. Woah thank you for your second review! You are so nice!

Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 11/08/07 - 05:46 pm · For: Chapter 1
Hmm... interesting. A stint in a reformatory, huh? That'll be interesting. The only other story I've ever seen take place in an institution is pretty much on total hiatus, so this is going to be a very nice read. Keep up the good work.

-- Byouma : Hey wait a sec! You are Swords_and_Bandages! The person that reviewed to Never Letting Go! My best friend wrote that story! She never stopped bragging about how you not only were a loyal reviewer but super brilliant and somewhat of a psychic! I can't believe you wrote my first review! I am so happy! But ... what's a stint? My dictionary gives me a pretty weird definition, I am not sure it's the right one. Anyways, thank you so much for your review! You definately made my day!

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