Reviews For Love conquers all....
Name: The Demon Kunoichi (Anonymous) · Date: 07/01/08 - 12:13 am · For: I'll tell you....I'll tell you that I love you.
Hello. This story is quite enjoyable. However, there is something I must note. From the summary, it seems like Ino was going to play a huge part in this fiction.(Not why I read it..) And she ended up being in the story for like, ten seconds. You also used chatspeak in the last chapter. Quote, "Omg...he...he loves me back!" Once. But you still used it. Using chatspeak in a fiction makes the fiction look unprofessional. I seem like an hardass, but I'm only stressing it because I just read a fanfiction at that was mutilated by chatspeak. It was horrible. Your writing is pretty good. I don't want to see your fictions go down the drain due to a few too many OMGS.
Name: darkelfkin (Anonymous) · Date: 27/08/07 - 01:48 pm · For: I'll tell you....I'll tell you that I love you.
I found this story very enjoyable and I am going to go to the next story right now
Author's Response: k! ^^
Name: Gcbella19 (Signed) · Date: 09/08/07 - 10:20 pm · For: What we're all about
yeah!!!! heheh i love the pic at the end. poor hinata, she is getting rained on
Author's Response: yea i kno..... poor hinata....but YAY 4 SASUNARU!!!! xDDDDD
Name: lovin_Garra36 (Signed) · Date: 09/08/07 - 06:11 pm · For: What we're all about
aaahh! update soon!
Author's Response: k! be sure to read my trilogy 'the baby!'!!! ^^
Name: Hinagirl326 (Signed) · Date: 04/08/07 - 08:08 pm · For: What we're all about
poor naru-chan and suke. evil tsunade. *picks up tsunade voodoo plushie and a bunch of needles* i hope you continue this story. ^-^
Name: emogirlS2 (Signed) · Date: 29/07/07 - 11:51 am · For: I'll tell you....I'll tell you that I love you.
Go Sasuke! Go get your man!
Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 29/07/07 - 11:48 am · For: I'll tell you....I'll tell you that I love you.
This was good! How cute, SasuNaru! xDDD YAY SASUNARU!!!
Author's Response: yea i kno! i luv sasunaru!!!!!!! XD
Name: Gcbella19 (Signed) · Date: 29/07/07 - 11:22 am · For: I'll tell you....I'll tell you that I love you.
HHEHEHEHehehe i loved it!!! i makes me all happy inside
Author's Response: thnx! im glad about that! i was sorta hopeing to get a review like yours! it made me all happy inside too. but u wanna kno what inspired me to do this story? A story. A story be A VampiresButtefly. Her stories just encourage me to right more for some reaon. I think it's because her stories are so good! and she's only 13! ^^
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