Reviews For Moqune
Name: SpiritOak (Signed) · Date: 05/09/09 - 05:12 pm · For: Chapter 1
Ack! So cute! >_<
Name: Zoey Sohma (Signed) · Date: 14/05/07 - 05:44 am · For: Chapter 1
I read your comment on my OC and I'd be happy to use your OC. I thank you for this opportunity.
I'm very impressed by this character. You should get more into her personality though. What irks her, what gets her fired up. Those kinds of things. Really make your character come to life! That's what really makes your OC special. It's a whole other person that is "alive" so to speak in your own mind. Also, give details about what her jutsus do. Ya know. How does it work as an attack? Does she have any special qualities or traits like a good voice (like Saika) or is she a skilled medicine woman. Those kinds of things. All of your OCs should be that realistic to you. Write about them as if you've met them in real life and you spy on them everyday so you know exactly what they do. Have that sort of mind frame when writing. Take care dear! Keep up the splendid work, and sorry if I get too into my critiquing. If I get annoying, please tell me!
-Zoey Sohma
Name: prettypup (Signed) · Date: 12/05/07 - 12:39 pm · For: Chapter 1
Pretty pretty picture...
I like this OC
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