Reviews For AFL (After First Love)
Name: Skittles (Signed) · Date: 16/05/07 - 06:24 am · For: A Realization
SQUEE, Onee-chan, I love it! It's so squee-cuteness! Onee-chan, this is one of your bests yaois ever! I want you to write more of Kakashi and Iruka's relationship!
Author's Response: Darling, stop being so hyper. It's bad enough I have to deal with you in RL, but this...*sigh* Dun for get the stuff for Friday, ok?
Name: Oshiyama (Signed) · Date: 09/05/07 - 01:52 pm · For: Movie Night
This is a funny story Zoey-san.
Let's be friends!
O and I made a highschool story. I thought that you might want to check it out.
Author's Response: I've very glad you found it entertaining! I wouldn't mind being friends at all if it's alright with you. When you're 17, school turns from bad to hell!! I want to look at your work dear, but I really need to finish my schoolwork first. I will read and review. I give my word as a writer. Take care dear! -Zoey Sohma
Name: gaarasgirl (Signed) · Date: 05/05/07 - 02:29 pm · For: Movie Night
i love it! gaara's mostly in character...good. ^_^
Author's Response: lol. I'm very glad you approve. I hope to hear more from you and I'll check out your work if you'd like. -Zoey
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