Reviews For With Best Intentions
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 23/09/12 - 05:52 pm · For: Great Expectations
I think you're doing very well with keeping Hane as a young child. Many writers have issues with writing a child and making them seem innocent and naive.
That being said, seeing this chapter through Hane's eyes was really heartbreaking because we see her naive young mind and how her innocence is crushed by her father's absence. It was a really heart-wrenching chapter, I must say.
Nice work on this update. I'm looking forward to more of this story.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 18/09/12 - 10:07 am · For: Partners in Crime
Wow... So far... I really like it. Usually I don't care a lot for next generation fics because it's usually just little kids frolicking around but never really explaining the idea of the family itself. But the idea of Kakashi and Sakura as parents makes me laugh so much that I'm excited to see where this goes. I'm definitely wanting to see where you take this. Keep up the good work.