The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1092]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [645]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1739]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [862]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5877
Chapters: 25362
Word count: 47451233
Authors: 2161
Reviews: 40828
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 06/02/12 - 08:45 am · For: Land of Jungle Beast’s: First Visit: Part One
Wait... wat???
Power Rangers Jungle Fury? O_O
.. nice =D
u had this planned? or was it sudden? O_o
i mean the othrs wont b there? jaden, naruto n da others? :L
we'l miss them :(

Author's Response: Yeah, but only for this book. The other's will have those guy's!

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 22/01/12 - 09:14 pm · For: Radiant Garden: First Visit
aww man...!!
by friends i thought ezra's friends... :L
dr.eggman... LOL...! egg wth a moustache... xDDD hehhe...
n kool...!! update soon... ^_^

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 22/01/12 - 09:08 pm · For: The Explanations
so he is wwayy bigger nw....aye? ^_^

n old friends...? :D
awesome chapter...

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 22/01/12 - 12:45 pm · For: The Beginning
2 years...!! :O
omg!! i wanna know wats goin on in da duel academy... >_<
n dark n light gt their own bodies... Kool...!!
bt poor Ezra... he's probably alone nw.... :(

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 22/01/12 - 12:35 pm · For: The Incidents
maybe its bcumin clear... :D
nice chapter... ^_^

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 22/01/12 - 12:26 pm · For: Prologue: The Surprise
is raxze ezra...? O.o
n is this its a surprise...?
lol... soz i ask so many questions... :P

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 21/01/12 - 09:57 am · For: The Incidents
Wait, so it might not be the end of Raxze?! *sigh* I want to know what happens next now! Nice job, theez! Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Thanks! Just so you know, this is now Kingdom Hearts III: The Final Adventure!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 20/01/12 - 06:43 pm · For: Prologue: The Surprise
I really wonder where this will lead to :D Can't wait for more!

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