The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 16/01/12 - 07:33 pm · For: Fuyu 10.
Long time, no see, Fuyu-chan! I've missed reading your work, and you have now returned! And with a great chapter to boot! Awesome!

I really love Fuyu's determination to be strong. I relate that to Sasuke, in a way, but obviously, she wants to do it the pure way, not any revenge-driven or psychotic way ;)

When everyone woke up, I thought everything was going to be okay and that they would get to the tower quickly... I am so naive... I should've figured there'd be a fight.

Great chapter, Fuyu-chan! I loved it. Keep up the awesome work!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 03/12/11 - 04:02 pm · For: Fuyu 04.
Wow. Just wow. I can't think of anything else to say. The conflict between Soma and Sasuke is making it impossible for me to not stop reading. I just have to know what happened between those two at the Land of Waves! And I feel so sad that Fuyu is between them, trying to ease the obvious anger they hold toward each other.

I'm seriously in love with Fuyu. Just everything about her makes her a more lovable character. Her gentle heart and kind personality, not to mention the way she seems to bring out the best in others. And her insecurities make her seem so realistic. Her personality is what makes her my favorite character of this story, not the fact she's the MC.

I'm totally in love with your story, Fuyunoaida! I give it eight thumbs up!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 03/12/11 - 03:33 pm · For: Fuyu 09.
Heck yeah! Team Nagare is on their way to passing! And with an epic meeting of all these teams as well, wow. Hmm, I really liked how you changed the 'Sasuke goes wild' scene. It added a lot of originality to it. I only wish Fuyu had seen Sasuke like that, it would have been such an epic meeting. But I guess that will come later ;D Great job on this! This was a really intense chapter, and I enjoyed the whole thing! Keep up the awesome work!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 03/12/11 - 02:52 pm · For: Fuyu 08.
Wow, that really sucks for Team Nagare. They started arguing after one loss. I do really like how they reunited suddenly though, it made me a little hopeful for the next battle. But now that one team is part of secret plan?! What is up with this?! Oh my goodness, now I want to know who they're working for...

Great chapter! I'm excited that I have another one to read now, haha. Yay!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 28/11/11 - 03:47 am · For: Fuyu 07.
Hmm, first off, the scrolls used are the Heaven and Earth. Unless you have something interesting for the meaning of the Lightning scrolls, though at the end of the second exam, the Heaven and Earth meaning are kind of important.

As for this chapter... Wow! The intensity makes me shiver, you do really well with building the suspense.

Ooh, Aoi is really serious about fighting Fuyu. I wonder how they will be involved along with Team 13 in the exams, that's definitely got me very interested.

The Soma vs. Sasuke rivalry makes me nervous, I can already envision something awful happening to those two with smack dab in the middle.

Nice chapter, Fuyunoaida! I can't wait to see what you have planned for inside the Forest of Death! Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: I have no idea what I was thinking when I put lightning instead of heaven. Thank you for pointing it out to me though, I would've never noticed it. :) Haha, thanks. I had a lot of fun writing the suspense. :) I have something exciting planned for Fuyu and Aoi later on in the story. Thank you for the review!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 20/11/11 - 06:57 pm · For: Fuyu 03.
Oh wow. This was just outstanding. There was a few unexpected things when it came to Kakashi and Nagre's second scene. Nagre's lack of faith in team seven was unexpected and a nice twist. What really surprised me, though was what he said happened at the land of waves. They tried to kill each other?!?!?!? I just can't believe it. I also can't believe you didn't go more into depth. That's just torture there, Fuyunoaida. We do learn what happens, right? I think I'll go insane if we don't. I also liked the Fuyu scenes. They were very realistic. Here lack of faith in herself was a nice touch and (for reasons beyond me) made me like Fuyu more. I thought the scene at the end was adorable and shows the faith all of the team has in each other. I can't wait to see them in the chunin exams!

Author's Response: don't worry, I explain the main part in another chapter. I can't torture you guys so soon into the story. ;) thank you for taking the time to read and leave a review, they each mean a lot to me!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 19/11/11 - 08:03 pm · For: Fuyu 06.
Oh my gosh, there was more to the chapter! Gah!

And it was amazing! I loved every moment of this! The entire thing with Sasuke and Soma really has me in suspense, and the argument in this chapter was so much more intense, it was great. I can't wait to see how much further this quarrel will go. Just what is up with Soma, is he evil or something? My goodness....

Great job on this chapter! I can't believe I almost missed it, thank you so much for telling me! Keep up the awesome work with this!

Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to go back and read it! Haha, there might be a tinge of evil in soma, but its definitely covered by good intentions. thank you for the review!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 19/11/11 - 07:08 pm · For: Fuyu 06.
Hehe, this moment always makes me happy. I love Naruto's determination, and your version is no exception. I like how you wrote it, great job.

Author's Response: I'm guessing you didn't see the second half of the chapter.rnSomething happened and deleted the rest. ._. but I fixed it!~

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 15/11/11 - 02:17 pm · For: Fuyu 02.
Sweet! The chunin exams! I can't wait to see what you do with them and your ocs. Man, I'm really starting to like Soma. I don't know if its his rivalry with Sasuke or his protectiveness toward Fuyu (probably the latter), but I'm really starting to like him. I really liked the necklace thing. It's a pretty cool gift and a very good choice on Nagre's part. And once again, I like how you balance out the two characters. There are a few mistakes, but its overall outstanding. I give it eight thumbs up!

Author's Response: Soma is starting to have a small place in my heart too, I think its the fact that he challenges the unchallengable Sasuke. :P thanks for reviewing!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 13/11/11 - 06:33 pm · For: Fuyu 01.
Ahhh. That was such a sad chapter. I feel bad that Fuyu has to go through all that. I mean, yeah, it was Sasuke who lost his family, but Fuyu feels a great pain because of how she feels like she's doing nothing to stop that pain. I wish I could appear in the Narutoverse and tell her she's helping him. He's a lot better with her there than if she hadn't been there. And I just have to say: I LOVE SNOW!!!!!!! Okay, now that I've got that out of my system. I'm starting to think I like Fuyu more, though. She's just so likable. But like I said, this was a sad chapter. I hate that her birthday is when it happened. If she found out, I don't believe she'd ever enjoy her birthday again. Man, I really hope that Sasuke can keep it a secret despite your reply to Silverwolf's review. That was a great way to start off Fuyu, Fuyunoaida. This story is coming out phenomenally! It's impossible not to love!

Author's Response: I don't know how to react to this review! I'm ecstatic that you think so highly of my story, it just makes me want to update more and more. thank you so much for such an amazing review!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 13/11/11 - 04:28 pm · For: Aki 06.
Finally, I've got to the end of Aki. Took me long enough. I hate being behind in such an amazing story. Then again, it means there will continuously be a next button =D

The chapter was awesome. I'll admit, Sasuke was OOC, but I think it's understandable. Fuyu already had access to his heart before it was frozen with ice. Because of that, she'd still have a place there. It's the same thing I did with my oc in Tainted Guardian, though the relationship's different. It's because of that she can draw out the purer emotions Sasuke feels. I feel like its the same with Fuyu. Despite that the fact that she's there for Sasuke to provide him with light, there's still that darkness within him, and you let us see that.

And I love the two teams thing. Like I've said, they seem to balance each other out very well. I can't wait to see just how well they work with each other as the work gets harder. You do well at adding them to the team 7 that we all love.

Ahh, the ending was really sweet! I absolutely loved it, Fuyunoaida. Then again, I love the entire story. You're doing an amazing job. It keeps me wanting to read more (which is why the fact I rarely get time sucks so much).

Author's Response: Ooh, I never thought of it that way. it does make sense though, Fuyu being able to.have access to certain feelings. thank you for pointing that out to me! :) I'm glad you like the idea of the two teams being together! alhough, its already proving to be a lot of work. ._. thank you for the sweet review!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 12/11/11 - 07:00 pm · For: Fuyu 05.
Wow, so that's what happened in the Land of Waves. It definitely explains the competition between Soma and Sasuke. I really liked this flashback, it was dramatic and explanatory.

And of course, the epic suspense of the first exam was written brilliantly. I really liked how you touched on each person and their reaction to the test. Well done.

Fantastic job on this chapter! It was amazing! Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: I don't know what else to say other than thank you! I always feel like you give me way too much credit~

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 09/11/11 - 06:10 am · For: Fuyu 04.
This is by favorite chapter of this story so far. There was so much drama in this, it was so astounding. I love the heated relationship between Soma and Sasuke, though I have to wonder if it eventually evolves into a love triangle with Fuyu in the middle? Either way, I still love how those two just seem to hate each other very highly. I also really like Fuyu's insecurities, it makes her seem more human. Which is more than I can say with some other protagonists in other stories, so I really like how you've written your OC.

The only thing I'd want to mention, other than spelling, is that this is Kabuto's 7th time taking the exams, which is equivalent to his 4th year. Very minor change, but just wanted to mention it.

Anyway, this was an amazing chapter. I absolutely loved it. I really can't wait for the intensity of the exams to start. Keep nup the awesome work!

Author's Response: I'm glad you like the chapter so much. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do between sasuke, soma and Fuyu, but ill try to make it interesting. ;) thank you for pointing that out to me! I tried looking it up in various sites but couldn't find it. thank you for the sweet review!

Name: Fuyu and Chifuyu fan (Anonymous) · Date: 05/11/11 - 09:23 pm · For: Picture Corner!
I absolutely love this story! I envy your talent in adding so much detail to where it seems like either someone professional wrote this or that it has every possibility for it to be real. :)
I also like two of your ocs, Fuyu and Chifuyu. They're both so much alike that they really do seem like they're mother and daughter.
I hope you continue to update, this story is just way too good for you not to.

Author's Response: Haha, I'm glad you enjoy it so much! Fuyu and Chifuyu are two of my favorite characters, it makes me really happy when people feel the same way. thanks so much for the sweet review! :)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 05/11/11 - 02:47 pm · For: Fuyu 03.
Ooh, Chuunin Exams next chapter, I can't wait ;) Fuyu's insecurities are expected and I'm glad you showed them so well. And her parents too, since the last thing they want to see is their little girl going off to battle.

Nagare and Kakashi, however... wow. I don't know, I wasn't expecting that. But I liked it. Nagare sure doesn't have much faith in Team 7, does he? Or rather, he doesn't have much faith in Sasuke and Soma together. It's a good thing they're not on the same team together, though I'm sure you'll find some way for them to clash with one another ;)

Great chapter, I really liked it. It was a nice setup for the upcoming exams. I can't wait to see the next chapter. Keep up the amazing work!

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. I thought I went a little overboard with her feelings, that I was really close to taking out ay least half of her personal thoughts but I'm glad I decided against it. :) thanks for the review as always!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 01/11/11 - 03:30 am · For: Fuyu 02.
Hmm, I'm slightly disappointed that you're jumping right into the Chuunin Exam arc, but I can deal with it.

But wow, the tension between Sasuke and Soma is uncanny. I never thought Soma would stoop as low as to have a stare down with our Uchiha. Wow... I wonder, does Soma have any feelings toward Fuyu or is he just overprotective?

Well anyway, awesome chapter! I like the drama of it all. Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: Awe, I'm sorry. :( but I was actually planning on one of those short stories being about that very mission. I've gotten a lot of complaints about not including it, so I have to make it up somehow. :) As far as Soma goes, I'm still not exactly sure. hopefully whatever I decide to do with him sol be enjoyed! thank you!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 30/10/11 - 06:59 pm · For: Aki 05.
-_-'. Wow. Double the knuckle head with Ritsu and Naruto. I LOVE IT!!!!! Anyway, this chapter was amazing. I absolutely loved it. You're doing an amazing job at adding your OCs to the Naruto plot. And I loved loved loved the flashback at the end. It was very sweet and showed just how strong her friendship with Sasuke is. You did an amazing job, Fuyunoaida!

Author's Response: Haha, I do too!! Thank you, I'm glad you liked the chapter and my OCs. c: Thank you Sasaui!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 30/10/11 - 05:00 pm · For: Aki 04.
Wow. That was amazing. I absolutely love the ocs you've created. They seem to balance each other out. And Nagre and Kakashi seem like they'll make a good and balanced pair. Speaking of which, it's like something I have planned for one of my stories. Oh, and I watched that video. It was really sad. Though I doubt it would be an ending. Back to your story. Overall it was absolutely amazing. You did an amazing job!

Author's Response: I'm glad you like them! I hope that's not how it'll end. I'd be very upset, Sasuke-kun better come back to Konoha or I just might go deal with him myself. -__- Thank you again Sasaui!~

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 29/10/11 - 08:20 pm · For: Fuyu 01.
Eh?! And here I thought Fuyu was worrying for nothing! So the 'curse' is actually true?! That's so sad! Poor Fuyu... I mean, I know it's for the best and everything, but what happens if she finds out? That would just be horrible...

Great emotion in this chapter. This kind of stuff always gets to me, I'm rather close to tearing up, actually. Awesome job on this. Keep up the amazing work!

Author's Response: Muaha! Plot twist!~ I do plan on doing something with that little secret between Sasuke and Yukito though, but that's a little ways off. c: I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry for making you tear up. ): Thank you for the review Silvy! (:

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/10/11 - 01:49 pm · For: Aki 03.
No, you didn't make Sakura seem like the bad guy. You actually did pretty good with her. Though there's one thing I've noticed that everyone seems to do (I think I even did it). They'll let the kids know that they'll be on a team while in reality they didn't know until right before they got their teams. Okay, onto the review.

This was awesome. I absolutely loved it. As silverwolf said, the team distribution part seemed to be rushed, but other than that, it was great. I like your characters and I can't wait to see how the two teams interact. They seem like a nice comparison to each other.

Author's Response: I'm glad you think I did. c: Most of the times, in SasukeOC stories, they torture Sakura, and I of course don't want to do that. -_- Thank you for the review, Sasaui!~ (:

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 25/10/11 - 06:00 pm · For: Aki 06.
Yeah, sadly, Sasuke was a bit OOC. He wouldn't cry, and I don't think he'd even hold a friend's hand with 'love'. It was mushy and sappy, and I love all that stuff, but even a line needs to be drawn with our favorite brooding Uchiha.

Also, I like the idea of having the six genin together, it's like a team bonding thing, which I really enjoy. I just want to warn you about having so many characters together at once. It's hard enough making an OC team because then the OCs need to be given a history of their own, but it's even harder meshing them together with the normal characters. Just be sure you evenly balance the six genin and two jounin enough when they're together.

But! I did like how you portrayed Sasuke and Fuyu's rocky relationship. With his somewhat dark personality, he clashes with Fuyu's happiness, so I really like that they have their moments. I hope it's not a one time thing ;)

The whole thing with the seasons really interests me. With the themes and everything, I don't know, I just really like it. Especially when Sasuke and Fuyu both like winter, it's really cute :3

Keep up the awesome work! Longest chapter yet, woot! Great job!

Author's Response: A bit? More like a lot. xD Geez, Why is Sasuke so difficult to portray. ): I mess up on that part a lot, I'm not sure if I should include everyone, or just keep the story completely focused on Fuyu and Sasuke. I like the idea of having everyone's 'two cents' in, but it's a lot easier saying that compared to actually writing it. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of it in the chapters to come~ Thanks! I thought that was the one good part in the whole chapter actually, so hopefully, I'll have a lot more scenes like that, mostly towards the end of the story though (which isn't going to be anytime soon). I'm glad you think so too. c: Thank you! And i know! When I saw it was 3000+ words, I was just like, "dude." xD

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 24/10/11 - 05:19 pm · For: Aki 05.
Aww, what a lovely flashback. I really enjoyed that. It provides a nice look into Fuyu's character. She really doesn't want to fight her friends, and that's very respectful of her. It makes me like her more :)

Soma, Fuyu, and maybe Sasuke working as a team? I think they can pull it off. They may actually win :D Definitely looking forward to that.

Great job on this chapter! Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: I'm glad you do! I like Fuyu too, even though she's my own character for some reason, I felt that I would get annoyed with her. :P Thank you~ (:

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 22/10/11 - 04:04 pm · For: Aki 04.
Hehe, I like Nagare. He seems like a nice contrast to Kakashi, in a way.

I'm surprised that the two teams will be acting together on missions. I've never seen that, so I don't know how it will turn out. But I think you'll do great with it ;)

There were a few mistakes here and there; this one was the most noticeable though:

“Alright! Now that they’re out the way, I’m guessing you three are Soma, Ritsu and Sakura? Right?”

Other than that, great job! I look forward to seeing how the six genin do in survival training, haha. Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: Great, that's what I was aiming for. (: Although, Kakashi is just as laid back as he is but that's after he gets to know his team more. I don't know how it'll turn out either. xD Thanks for thinking that. (: Thank you for pointing that out to me! That's pretty funny, since Sakura and Fuyu are nothing alike. xD Thank you Silver~

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 20/10/11 - 05:09 pm · For: Aki 02.
*sniffle sniffle* That wasn't.... that wasn't sad at all T-T. No, it was AMAZING! I absolutely loved it Ehuang. It was beautiful at the same time as it was sad. It was beautifully written, including both sadness and a hint of happiness. I was glad to see that they had become friends and hope that the pinky promise doesn't spell doom this time. Though seeing as its a pinky promise..... This was an awesome chapter with only a few mistakes. I can't wait until I get a chance to read more. For now, though, I'm busy playing with my nephew and his possibly to-be step sister.

Author's Response: Thank you!~ I'm so glad you liked it. (: I'm still not sure how I'm going to make the pinky promise thing turn out, I'm still debating on weather it should be happy or not. Aww, I wish I had nieces and nephews to play with. -_- Thank you for the review Sasaui!

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 20/10/11 - 03:04 pm · For: Aki 02.
Wow. Sasuke wasn't out of character at all actually! Nice!
haha he's abashed, how cute

Author's Response: I'm glad you think he was in character! He's definitely a challenge to keep in character, since he has such a dynamic personality. -_- Thank you for reviewing!~

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