The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11990
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: SabakuKyuut
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 20/10/11 - 02:59 pm · For: Aki 01.
oh wow, i didn't realize he was still eight until I reread the beginning. I got sort of confused. ^^
I liked this; but what i'm thinking right now is sort of like 'i think Sasuke wouldn't cry because it'd remind him off how he cried in front of Itachi...'
'But! he's eight, his family died, of course he's going to cry!'
'But!' won't he, at the same time as feeling grief feel hatred?'
'But! Even if you feel hatred you still feel grief and -

To summarize - I'm not sure whether Sasuke is being OOC yet, but i like how you've protrayed him so far.

Author's Response: I'm sorry, I do agree that I should've made it a little more clearer. Haha, Sasuke's personality and actions makes everyone question themselves. xD I'm glad you do. (: Thank you for the review!~

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 20/10/11 - 02:45 pm · For: Aki 00.
oooh, good last line as before. You've got the - make people want to read more- thing down.
Although this beginning reminds me of the many other fanfics with this same story, the reminders that it's not heading in the same direction leave me curious as to what will happen next.

Author's Response: I'm glad! :D I'm glad it seems different than others, there's so many stories about Sasuke, it's hard not to make them seem like carbon copies. -__- Thank you for the review!~

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 20/10/11 - 02:41 pm · For: Picture Corner!
Hello! I just laughed at the last line of your summary - until then what i was thinking was - oh no, not the same thi- LOL.

Huh, how did you find pictures of them younger then older? Pretty cool.

Author's Response: I hope that's a good thing! xD And a few friends of mine drew them for me a lot time ago, it's only now that I find something to use them for. (: Thank you for the review~

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/11 - 05:39 pm · For: Aki 03.
Hmm, I think the distribution-of-teams scene went by a bit fast, but other than that, I really enjoyed this. Though there was one mistake I saw that stood out:

Yukito walked closer to his tougher and planted a light kiss onto her forehead.

Now, onto everything else. I kind of liked Sasuke's reaction to Sakura. It was pretty believable; everything he said was realistic. Then his conversation with Fuyu... well, I don't know, I personally found it sweet. Fuyu appreciates the little things (such as what he said about her), and I really like that about her.

Team 7 and Team 13 being friends, huh? Haha, I wonder how that will turn out. Good for Sasuke and Fuyu maybe, but I don't think Naruto and Ritsu will be able to stand one another.

Overall, great job on this. I really like the little things about Sasuke and Fuyu. Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: I thought so too, but I wasn't sure how to make it longer. Thank you for pointing that out to me, the auto corrector on my phone must have changed it, but I fixed it. (: That was actually the most awkwardest scene in the whole chapter for me, I don't know why but it just felt really weird. But I'm glad you like Fuyu. (: Yeah, Naruto and Ritsu clash so much because they're so alike. :P Thank you!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 18/10/11 - 05:37 pm · For: Aki 02.
AWW! That was so sad and sweet at the same time! I was so heartbroken when I saw that Sasuke was pushing her away. Then when they started talking to one another, I felt even worse because of what they were actually saying. How they don't make time for one another and how he doesn't want to need her... It was all so touching!

But I'm glad it kind of worked out in the end. Just as your final chapter words say, their friendship is healing, and that in itself seems remarkable.

I can't wait for more! This was a great emotional chapter. Keep up the amazing work!

Author's Response: I'm glad you find it touching! It actually took me a while to write this chapter and it was because of that part of the story. I was afraid I screwed it up, but I'm glad you didn't think so. (: Thank you for the sweet comment Silver!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 18/10/11 - 04:08 am · For: Picture Corner!
Fuyu's team seems to be pretty balanced. I really like Soma's second picture. That's one funny face =D. I can't wait to see them in the story. They all seem very interesting.

Author's Response: thanks. :D i thought it was a flattering picture of him. C:

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 18/10/11 - 03:05 am · For: Picture Corner!
Haha, the genin picture of Soma made me laugh XD

Cool bios, they're very helpful for imagining the characters. Did you make these pictures yourself? Because I really like them.

Author's Response: same here! I just had to add it. (: and no i didnt, several friends of mine did these for me because i have zero drawing ability. (:

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 17/10/11 - 02:02 pm · For: Aki 01.
Wow, that was so awesome. I love Fuyu and Sasuke's relationship. It's so cute. I also like how Sasuke is acting. He seems slightly like before the accident, but at the same time you show that he's not completely unchanged. It's awesome! Around the end I had a big smile on my face because of what Fuyu was doing for him. But then I read that last paragraph and, well, you had me sad instead. It shows that no matter what he shows Fuyu, though, that pain is still within him. I hope that Fuyu and her family can fill that hole that is evidently there. I hate the pain he had to go through. This was overall amazing with few mistakes. I can't wait to read more of it, Ehuang!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you think so. :D Awh, I'm sorry~ I hate his pain too! In the beginning, everyone was mad at him for acting the way he did, but now he had more than valid reasons for doing so. Thank you, Sasaui! (I'm still trying to practice on how to say that correctly~)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 17/10/11 - 01:52 pm · For: Aki 01.
Aww! This was really cute. I really like that you're not making Sasuke mean yet, he still has to go through his depression phase. And with Fuyu around, I'm hoping he won't be mean at all. But I'm not sure...

There were a few spelling errors in the beginning, but that was it.

Great job! I can't wait for more! Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: Thanks! And yeah, I just can't picture Sasuke being mean as a child, he was just so cute. c: Hmm, time will tell. :3 rnrnI'll try and fix them when I can, thanks for telling me! (:rnThank yooou~

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 15/10/11 - 08:44 pm · For: Aki 00.
I really like where you're going with this already. SasuOC stories tend to follow a set pattern sometimes, but this one definitely seems original to me so far. The fact that Fuyu is a friend to begin with is a great change of pace in reading terms, so I'm very happy to see that.

Your description definitely isn't bad; you describe quite a bit with only a few words, which an amazing feat all on its own. There was one particular instance where I was disappointed with the lack of description:

During those moments, Fuyu looked around her, furthering her study of the hospital.

I was personally expecting some elaborate illustration of the hospital lobby or something, but it just kind of got cut off. But that was really the only thing I found upsetting in terms of description.

Oh gosh, pinky promises... the moment they did that, I knew something tragic would happen in the future. And that's not even including my manga knowledge or your summary; I can just tell it's going to be so sad :(

I really like those ending lines of the chapter, it's a nice bit of foreshadowing and such. I do think you should italicize or bold them though, to make them stand out. Just something to show that they differentiate from the actual narrative, because for me personally, it took away the significance of the message the first time I read it because I thought it was still apart of the touching scene between Sasuke and Fuyu. Italicize/bold or even place a little symbol (*, ~, etc) above it to show that it's like the final message of the chapter. Does that make sense? I blabber, so please tell me if I should explain it a bit more.

I really do like where this story is headed though already, it definitely seems amazing so far. It already has great potential. I love the theme of the seasons; that's always been the type of thing I've enjoyed (movies, books, etc). And just to add the creeper factor, I also (just as Sasaui did) looked up your name, and I thought it was really creative and sweet how the story theme relates to your name. That's really cute.

I look forward to reading more of this, so I definitely hope you update soon with more. Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: I'm glad! I hope in the chapters to come your opinion about it won't change. I'm sorry for the disappointment! ): It's actually at the moment where I went brain dead, I had a lot more that I wanted to say in that scene, but it just completely flew out my mind so after a few minutes of just staring at the computer screen, I gave up on it. xD I'll try to make sure it won't happen again though. (: I know! Pinky promises= doom. But hopefully, I can twist it a little bit to make it interesting. Thanks for suggesting that! It makes a lot more sense to do that, so I changed it. c: And you made perfect sense. (: I'm glad you like it! Haha, it's not creepy at all. :3 Thank you so much for the sweet review Silver! (:

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 15/10/11 - 08:08 pm · For: Aki 00.
Wow.... Just wow. That was amazing, Ehuang. =D That's an interesting name, by the way. I looked it up to see what origin it was, and I saw it meant something like beautiful.

Okay, now more on the story. I liked Sasuke's reaction. A lot of people (I think) seem to think that Sasuke is hateful right from the get go, but that darkness builds over time. He would have been grieving at first, and then angry. He'd also most likely be lonely, so the fact you had Fuyu approach him then was really good. Overall, it was amazing. Sure, there were a few mistakes, but all the awesomeness made up for it. I really like Fuyu. She seems so happy and nice. She's pure like snow, so the name winter fits. I also loved her happiness. Even though you said in the summary things take a turn for the worst, I hope that Fuyu can help Sasuke somehow. Anyway, this is really awesome and is one of those stories they need to have the Love option for instead of Like, Dislike, and None.

Author's Response: Awh, Thanks. (: I was actually named after my Grandmother, who was named after one of the Goddesses of Xiangshui, so it's awesomely unique. (: rnI've seen that, they think at that same moment all that hate formed in him, which is possible, but I doubt it would happen to Sasuke especially since he was such a kind child before it happened. o: Mistakes? I'm sorry! I tried going over it, but I guess I missed them. I'm glad you like her! I tried to keep her and her family's names associated with snow or winter in some way, because (just between you and me) something good is going to happen during the Fuyu season in the story. :D I'm still not sure on how I'm going to progress this story actually, but I have a happy-ish ending in my opinion. Aww, that means so much to me! Thank you Sasaui!

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