The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Stray Cat

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 27/09/11 - 05:40 pm · For: Chapter 36: Pony in Neji-Land
Ohmygosh, I'm so sorry for not reviewing!

Wow, they're all getting ready for the big event. I'm seriously really excited :D Oh, and Taylor is going to be rescued soon. I want to see her and her new boy together ;) Haha, keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: it's okay. and yeah, it's going to be HUGE. and i have some cool ideas for it. lol. and i am in a PONY state of mind since the new season started lol. :p

Name: tigerseye (Signed) · Date: 17/09/11 - 06:42 am · For: Chapter 31: Surprise Performance
They Are So Cute Together! Keep it up!

Author's Response: i will. glad your enjoying them together. lol.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/11 - 03:21 am · For: Chapter 31: Surprise Performance
Aww! I love Neji and Sal, he so gets her. They're really sweet together. And Sherry... What a strange yet lovable girl.

Anyways, awesome job on this chapter! Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: i know, i just love them together. :) and Sherry...i created her as the wierd side of myself. lol.

Name: tigerseye (Signed) · Date: 15/09/11 - 03:47 pm · For: Chapter 30: Plans
Sal's evil, but in a good way! I'm so looking forward to seeing how the Hyuga's react. Keep it up!

Author's Response: yeah. evil...but...for with good intent. she is chaotic good. lol. bad actions...good reasons.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 15/09/11 - 02:05 pm · For: Chapter 30: Plans
Sheesh, Sher is quite the odd one, I suppose. But I like it, it makes me smile :)

Heehee, I'm really excited that the Hyuuga family will be tortured by Sal's mischievous plot. It's so intense, I love it.

Hehe, nice job! I'm looking forward to this reunion even more than before now! Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: it's like this HUGE thing i have been plotting since i began typing. LOL. just needed to put the plans into action. lol. and now i have even more devious plots...involving lot's of russian relatives (can you tell i like russians? lol) thatz bc one of the greatest people i know is half russian...and i lurv him! he's my big bro! lol. (not really tho. lol.)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 15/09/11 - 03:37 am · For: Chapter 29: The Plan 1
O_O Neji's uncle wants to meet everyone... Oh gosh...

Ooh, Antony is coming to the reunion now; hopefully Taye will fall in love with him all over again XD I can't wait to see how the two react to one another.

Awesome chapter! Everything is rolling in motion, and I am very eager to see where it leads. Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: yeah, I am super excited for it. lol. i have plans...oh so many plans. lol.

Name: tigerseye (Signed) · Date: 14/09/11 - 09:09 pm · For: Chapter 29: The Plan 1
interesting. Fingers crossed on getting Taylor out of the picture but, he doesn't seem to be the type to leave easily. And Negi's uncle meeting b/all/b of sale's family, that sounds like trouble. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out! Keep it up!

Author's Response: you mean and yeah. and we'll see what will happen. LOL. i have plans...oh yes plans. lol. >:)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 13/09/11 - 02:35 pm · For: Chapter 28: Taylor's Misfortune 1
Oh crap, what an intense chapter. I loved it! Real life problems, they're so interesting, aren't they? XD

Yup, I definitely can't wait for the rescue team to save Taylor and destroy Tyler. Seriously... Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: yeah. he's kinda based off of an ex an old BFF of mine had (her name was Taylor...we were like sisters...she only had one kid though...and was 17...we're still close..just n different places now...but i digress) some new and interesting action coming up! LOL. :)

Name: tigerseye (Signed) · Date: 12/09/11 - 08:23 pm · For: Chapter 27: Love Songs and Set-Lists
This makes me really exited for the next chapter, and her playing love song at the beginning, that was sweet. Keep it up!

Author's Response: glad you liked it...i needed to work that song in somehow. LOL. :P it was just an impulse.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 12/09/11 - 05:39 pm · For: Chapter 27: Love Songs and Set-Lists
Such a beautiful song.... And an epic setlist! I can't wait to see them perform it! That will definitely be the best! Can't wait for more, keep up the great work!

Author's Response: thanx 4 ur support. lol. yeah i figured half-and-half on the Garbage and P!nk songs...i could have gone any direction with it. LOL. :)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 08/09/11 - 01:58 pm · For: Chapter 26: Plans
Haha, Sal was too caught up with Neji and the idiots to remember to pick songs XD Well, at least she was able to pick some out of her awesome repertoire. I wonder what the others chose. And now I'm especially hoping for some amazing music at the reunion ;D Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: it will be...with the plans i have in store...oh yeah!. lol.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 08/09/11 - 03:24 am · For: Chapter 25: Meeting Sherry
Haha, I seriously just love the twin relationship. Almost makes me wish I had one ;)

Whoa, two big issues coming up, huh? Alright, I can't wait to see how everyone deals with the meetings and the reunion. Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: yeah. I always wanted a twin...someone to back me baby broz idiot...i based the idiots slightly on him...except theyre not 5'11'' well.rnand i have some exciting plans for those subjects and Sal shows more of her deveous side. >:)

Name: tigerseye (Signed) · Date: 06/09/11 - 06:10 pm · For: Chapter 24: Meeting the Idiots
I can see why sal calls them idiots, Negi handled it well though. I'm looking forward to the next up date

Author's Response: yes...they are idiots...but...they do care about will be soon...have a day off from school tomorow...thinking of making it a typing day. lol.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 06/09/11 - 03:44 pm · For: Chapter 24: Meeting the Idiots
Darn, I don't watch Futurama, sadly :(

But, I really like how this little meeting went. It was very amusing. It was actually very funny, which in retrospect might just be the Futurama references...

Oh well, I loved Papi, Sal, and Neji in this one. Neji was so sweet with how he remembered everything she says, Sal was so diabolical, and Papi's just awesome :D

Keep up the great work! This was an awesome chapter!

Author's Response: is an internet watch if you can...its funny...kind of stupid at times...much better in its new seasons than the simpsons new seasons...just, i'm glad you liked it. lol. and the hedgehog thing....TOTALLY TRUE! IT'S MY DREAM PET for some!!! IDK y, but i think they are SO DAMN CUTE!!! LOL.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 02/09/11 - 05:42 pm · For: Chapter 23: Metting Papi
Yeesh, her brothers are so rude. But it's good to know that Papi is so supportive.

Haha, that's genius! They all have pony names! That's funny that it's amazing!

Ooh, I can't wait for Neji to finally meet the idiots... uh, I mean the brothers...

Great chapter! I can't wait for more! Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: well...they are one in the same...and the pony thing...i am not ashamed...i am adicted to that show! LOL.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 30/08/11 - 04:17 pm · For: Chapter 22: Fully Within Herself
I always love that song, and it definitely suits Sal and her friends. And I seriously can't wait for their big performance and their album! Whoo! Keep up the awesome work, this was another great chapter!

Author's Response: thanks. and yeah, this is gonna be an interesting performance to say the least. :)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 24/08/11 - 06:11 pm · For: Chapter 21: Private Date
They are definitely perfect together. They just get each other, I really enjoy that. Excellent work on this chapter! It was just adorable! Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: thanks. i have huge plans coming up. lol. :) glad u like it.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 23/08/11 - 10:49 pm · For: Chapter 20: Choices and Memories
P!nk's song is the best song EVER! Sorry, I just had to say that.

Anyway, I really liked the flashback! It's so amazing to see how much Hinata has grown in her years since meeting Sal. I feel so happy for Hinata that she finally stood up to her mom. Good for her! Excellent work with this chapter! I kept wait for more now, keep up the fantastic work!

Author's Response: lol. I LOVE P!nk...So What is my new jam...that and Raise Your Glass...and Fuckin can one choose. lol.rnand yeah, i loved putting the memory in because, it helps the reader understand the characters better. lol.

Name: tigerseye (Signed) · Date: 23/08/11 - 12:42 am · For: Chapter 19: Mall Trip of Dreams and Nightmares Part Two
*Laughing too hard to make a coherent coment*

Author's Response: thanx glad it made u laugh. i loved writing this chapter and i am glad you enjoyed reading it. :)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 23/08/11 - 12:07 am · For: Chapter 19: Mall Trip of Dreams and Nightmares Part Two
Hahahaha! I loved the joke, I seriously didn't see that one coming. It was brilliant.

Great chapter! This was hilarious and fun! Keep up the awesome work with your stories!

Author's Response: lol. glad u liked it. lol. thats an old southern joke, my nana told me that one day and i have loved it ever since. :) lol.

Name: tigerseye (Signed) · Date: 22/08/11 - 11:08 pm · For: Character Info
Hinata’s mom is a bit prejudiced but hopefully that wouldn’t turn out badly. It would be cool if you could elaborate a bit on Hinata and Sal’s relationship.

Author's Response: thanx 4 the input, in the upcoming chapters we were actually going to learn how they met.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 19/08/11 - 04:40 pm · For: Chapter 18: Mall Trip of Dreams and Nightmares Part One
Haha, Sal waisted no time with buying that piano. Good for her. I also wonder if fantastic is some kind of special word? Hehe, I wonder about that. Great chapter, can't wait for more! Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: you will see. :) thanx 4 the review. :)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 11/08/11 - 07:56 pm · For: Chapter 15: Meeting the Rich
Wow, what a snobby rich old woman. She sickens me, it's people like them who I despise...

But oh man, it was such a realistic chapter. I loved every moment of that meeting. Sal was so professional when she was with them, and when she talked back, well, I just wanted to jump for joy at imagining the woman's face. Heehee ;)

Awesome chapter, this was amazing. Keep up the incredible work!

Author's Response: yeah. it was just so real. lol. i loved writing the talk back part 2. lol. i had a huge smile. lol.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 11/08/11 - 12:27 pm · For: Chapter 14: Preparations
Haha, I laughed at the Mafia Mama thing. That's funny.

I loved Sherry and Sal's little riddle game. Rather clever riddles yet interesting all the same. I love sisterly games like them :D

That's a lovely outfit she decided on though, heehee. Well, now that she's all dolled up and ready to go, I definitely can't wait to see how the dinner goes! That is something I seriously need to see! Keep up the incredible work with this story!

Author's Response: itz gonna b good. :) and thanks 4 all the reviews. :) lol.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 09/08/11 - 08:43 am · For: Chapter 13: Bad Boyfriend Memory
Nice insight to her past. It really is very tragic, but at least Papi is there to protect her, along with all those other overly protective brothers ;)

Nice job, keep up the amazing work!

Author's Response: yeah, explains again y she is kinda freaked at the thought of Neji meeting them. LOL.

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