The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5877
Chapters: 25362
Word count: 47451233
Authors: 2161
Reviews: 40828
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Will of Stone

Name: Vixkill (Signed) · Date: 04/10/10 - 09:32 pm · For: The Village Hidden in the Rain
..found the civil war. just seems strange they'd plot a course through it.

Author's Response: haha, the Embassy is going through the side of the country that Hanzou controls so they should be okay. rnrn

Name: Vixkill (Signed) · Date: 04/10/10 - 07:06 am · For: The Kindling
i can't help but think you are writing for a very different story. the tone and themes seem out of place. it's like a... medieval fantasy theme? and more of a drama than action-adventure. (if that's the style you're going for as a 'real' writer, then you're going great!)
tsunade is 'the princess' instead of 'baa-chan' and more of a politician than a ninja. also, more of a bitch.
and i'm so used to seeing occasional humour it's wierd reading a 'serious' story.
also, changing cannon of Dan and leaving out rain's civil war bugs me, but it's your story
you have a good story with a well defined plot and write well. looking forward to more fight scenes... and happier times :)

Author's Response: thanks for the review, i really appreciate it. rnrni'm not sure what you mean by the "medieval fantasy theme"? if you mean the story is more dark and not as funny as the canon NARUTO story, well, yes. that's kind of the point. rnrnThe story is quite 'serious' for a couple reasons. the first is it's supposed to be a more realistic take on a world of killer assassins. for example, in the canon Sakura never really pays for being weak, but in the first chapter of WOS she does--she gets somebody killed. That's a realistic consequence of making a mistake in combat, and I tried to treat that seriously. rnrnSecond, we see the story from Sakura's POV and Sakura is not a character that makes a lot of jokes or makes funny observations. She's not going to call tsuande 'baa-chan' or anything like that. Especially at this point in her life Sakura is going to be angsty, confused, and moody. that's reflected in the writing style. But if I was writing from a Naruto POV, for example, the story would probably feel very different. rnrnI did try to put some humor in it though (especially from some of the other characters like Ino, Lee and Gai). I will try to have more funny moments as the story goes on, the first couple chapters especially were super-angsty.rnrnyes, i did make some small changes to the canon surrounding Tsunade's backstory. instead of dying in a forest during the Second Ninja War, Dan died in a cave during the Third Ninja War. more about Tsunade's past, especially what she did during all the years between the wars, will be revealed later. rnrni'm glad you're looking forward to more fight scenes because there will be a lot of those going forward (the first 9 chapters were mostly just backstory and setup). it's kicking off right now with the "asylum" battle, which i think should be appropriately epic and action-ey. i don't know about the "happier times" though :D

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 16/09/10 - 07:24 pm · For: In the Looking Glass
I really liked the chapter, but I have school and may not be able to review the others for a little while. And I know you just wrote that stuff, but still, Tsunade, in my POV, is a nice person. I can't see her doing that. It may just be me, though. Actually, in my story, Never Too Late, she does something really nice for Kina later on before Shippuden starts. I can't wait to see how Sakura deals. I'll read more as soon as I can.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review.rnrnYeah, my interpretation of Tsunade is a little harsher than maybe the "official" cannon version. In my story she's kind of a bitch. At the same time, remember you only see Chapter 2 from Sakura's POV, not Tsunade's. A Tsunade POV might be completely different in terms of her characterization and so on. The relationship between Sakura and Tsunade is a major theme of the novel so you'll definitely see Tsunade's more human side later onl.

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 11/09/10 - 05:23 am · For: A Seething Heart
Great chapter. I really liked it. I hope you update again soon. You're really good at writing.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I really appreciate it.rnrnI have more 7 chapters of "Will of Stone" up at I encourage you to go there to continue reading the story because TONFA is messing up the formatting of the story (no italics, etc). Not sure how to fix it, though I guess I'll still continue to update the fic here. rnrnHope you continue reading.

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